I'm potentially interested. I have a couple of thoughts on characters, but want to know more about the world before committing to fleshing anything out. Would you mind answering a couple of questions about the setting? c: 1. What sorts of creatures inhabit Midgard? You mention humans and elves (around which, I assume, the story would largely revolve) as well as Makai wraiths. Is there any other un-/super-natural fauna in the world? 2. Could I get the elevator pitch for the magic system? 3. When you say a "this is bigger than you" story, that implies to me that the main characters will be relatively low on the sheer-power-level totem pole as far as sentient beings go; i.e. I expect that there exist in the world (probably secret) greater powers than humans and elves. To what extent are your ideas about what these powers are baked into the setting and to what extent are you looking to explore them in the RP? Or just correct me if I'm completely off-base with the assumptions behind the question. c; 4. Could you tell me a little more about the New Gods? Are they active in the world? If so, how active? What is known as fact about them and what is mere legend, passed down through untold ages? I would have no problem with the posting schedule you outlined, and should actually be able to post more often than that most of the time. Also, I laughed when I looked at the playlist and recognized a next-to-verbatim list of my typical fantasy-reading-soundtrack fare.~