"Yeah, It's just ink," Liam replied, wiping it off of his face. "Oh, you think that is funny huh?" Liam asked. Smaug was about to use Flamethrower on Poiple when Liam said to hold his fire. Poiple tried to grab Smaug's tail near the tip and burned its hands. Liam wasn't sure if this Poiple was a smart alec, or just stupid. He told it to hold still for a moment while he got a burn heal from his pack and used it. Poiple was amazed by how the medicine worked to heal its pain. Liam used its amazement as an opportunity to toss a Beast Ball at it and it caught. Liam scanned the Beast Ball with his Pokédex to get the data for it to send to Lusamine. "[i]Poiple, the Poison Pin Pokémon. A Poison Type. An Ultra Beast that lives in a different world, it cackles wildly as it sprays its opponents with poison from the needles on its head.[/i]" At this point one of the Recon Squad duos appeared, Dulse made a comment about how Liam got Poiple, and told the heroes that where they come from, Poiple is a common choice for a first partner. This is a detail that Liam also had added to the entry he sent to Lusamine for her research.