[@Ariamis][@Ammokkx][@Apollosarcher] So in the spirit of being helpful, as well as impatient, and appeasing my joy of mecha design, I have also come up with a suggestion for a load out for Paladin, based on what Apollo has said in discord chat. So, Apollo, feel free to completely disregard and do your own thing, but this is what I think Paladin would like to play with, based on your probably unintentional input. [hider=Suggested AP for Paladin] [hider=Thermal Halberd] [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/ad7c/f/2012/194/5/b/warhammer_40k_grey_knights_halberd_by_i_benm_i-d573xvt.jpg[/img] Long Pole-Arm style of Melee weapon intended to give reach over most melee combatants. Deals Thermal damage. Can be thrown at medium range.[/hider] [hider=EMP Grenades] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C9eLJs_XkAAC5zR.jpg[/img] A hand thrown grenade that does no determinable physical damage but does shut down electronic components within a short range (one square outside of the target square in each direction). Paladin will come with a compliment of three grenades. Range limited to Paladin's throwing ability, which is typically Medium.[/hider] [hider=Armor Bits (This one gets a little... less than basic)] [img]http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6229/6346135549_44b0f9cae5.jpg[/img] Additional armor pieces placed strategically around Paladin's frame to add additional armor, as well as additional thrust. These thruster driven armor pieces only add light armor, but they can be deployed by Paladin's stand alone A.I (Pally) to move them off from the frame to intercept incoming attacks. They can be deployed in a short range to even offer blocking for other Werks that are within range. They can be crashed into a target for low-impact damage. While the bits are still attached to the frame, their thrusters add to Paladin's overall maneuverability (someone counteracting their own weight on the system). Being light armor, they do not offer a huge amount of protection, usually only able to sustain one hit per bit. They are small pieces, so depending on the nature of the hit, more than one piece may be effected by an attack. Paladin will be assorted with a compliment of 10 Bits.[/hider] [hider=Berserker Thrusters] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/eb/a2/9a/eba29a89ce05af114451ac50723f97b3.jpg[/img] A set of ridiculously over-sized thrusters intended for use on spacecraft are haphazardly attached to the Werk's frame. They require so much power that they require a turn to charge up their Ion-Pulse. Once charged they can retain a charge for three turns before they are forced to discharge (You're using it whether you want to or not). Only suitable for straight line maneuvering. Provides a movement of 6, no less. Requires two turns to cool down after use, assuming they didn't tear themselves lose from Paladin's massive weight. The movement is so fast that humans can barely perceive the travel and puts insane levels of physical strain on the pilot.[/hider] [hider=ATS][img]http://media.gettyimages.com/videos/green-hud-animation-hd-video-id100965868?s=640x640[/img] Automated Targeting System, used for choosing the right weapon for the right target, acquires targets automatically and assists with aiming. Passive System. If equipped, provides the ability to use two weapons in a single turn, or a single weapon after dashing. These weapons can be used on the same target or separate targets.[/hider] [/hider] So to explain some of my thinking here: Apollo said more shields, and thrusters, and a grenade of some sort. The idea of the shields just adds Pally Drone into combat and makes for something other than just another static shield on top of your wall of a shield and your Phalanx energy shield attachment. The grenade being an EMP makes sense as Paladin is all about protection, so throwing a grenade in an urban environment is probably not a great idea with its rather unpredictable damage patterns with shrapnel and such. And the thrusters sounded like they were going to be used for a Reinhardt style of charge attack with a massive shield bash, so what better way then to do it ridiculously over-sized, but nearly impossible to stop when it does happen. The thermal halberd came from me mentioning a laser ax and Apollo and Jason getting excited over it, but the Halberd made more sense with the shield wall, you know, kinda pop up and poke a people from behind the shield sort of thing. The ATS is a fifth item, but you know, paladin is already a super heavy mech, so why not add the ability to do two things at once. Why fire both tungsten plugs at one target, when you could go after two targets? Anyway, do with that what you want.