[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181003/b8b2065828b9d9728c5309b1e95dee54.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/tJj9TkVy/source.gif[/img] [b][i]BOOK ONE: WATER[/i][/b][hr][@Dusty][@webboysurf][@Polaris North][@FantasyChic][@Morose][@Nallore][hr][hr][/center][center][h1][color=10DC67]Hikaru[/color] and [color=9C3E28]Ryuu[/color][/h1][/center][hr][hr] [color=9C3E28]"Overpowering them would be somewhat simpler if we had a bit more on our side. Luckily for us however, the girl seems to have them distracted, and I also know that most of the population here has bending of sorts. So, perhaps getting a few more benders to help and we all can break out of here,"[/color] Ryuu said, glancing over at Tosram. He didn't know who all in the prison even had the ability to bend, all he knew was that if they all could cause enough chaos, or potentially work together, then perhaps things could be different. [color=9C3E28]"I say we take a leaf out of the fire bender's book,"[/color] he added, nodding towards Jia Li, hearing what she shouted out loud. Though, it was obvious that he wasn't the only one taking notice to her words. Since they were in the Earth Kingdom, most of the people within the prison were from the Earth Kingdom, and because of that, most of them were Earth Benders. Since the guards were a bit distracted, it was the perfect timing for them to strike. Hikaru was still zipping around, wishing desperately that she had her glider right now, it would make things so much easier for her in the long run, at least then she'd have more of a place to go. The best she had was her scooter, and with that she couldn't exactly do much to get out, or up. With the guards in her way, and blocking exits, not to mention there was a large crowd between her and the walls of the courtyard, she was noticing that her odds of getting out were fairly slim. Hiroyuki's attempts to send ice at the guards somewhat worked. Several shards of ice slammed into them, knocking a few of them over, but not before a jet of flame managed to hit Hikaru in the arm. She felt the sting of pain as she kept avoiding even more flames. This was not easy, and things were not going to end well, that was for sure. The rush of wind managed to make it so her sleeve wasn't on fire at least, so that was something. Several others seemed to take the current situation to heart, not to mention Jia Li's words. Several of them started attacking the guards near them. Most of them being Earth Benders, bits of rock were sent flying around, those not involved had to duck out of the way to avoid getting hit. Everything was in chaos, meaning that the guards were partially trying to take out the air bender, and the other half was trying to stop the other prisons. Bits of flame were jetting out every now and then, to go along with the rocks flying everywhere. Seeing the chaos, Ryuu managed to slam his elbow into one of the guards who wasn't a bender, and snatched the man's sword before running him through with it, yanking it out and snatching the sheath away as the guard's body fell to the ground. He showed that he had considerable skill with the blade, but he glanced over at the air bender as she weaved her way through the crowd. [color=9C3E28]"Now would be the perfect time to make our getaway, however if we wish to get that girl out as well, that is going to take a bit more work. She has no way to get to an area where she can easily get into the air, however if someone managed to create a pathway for her. Like a ramp of sorts, and we'd be able to redirect her path, up into the air, and potentially away from the chaos that is surrounding us."[/color]