[color=fff200][b]Por Dios, La Patria, El Rey![/b][/color] [i]Spain remains alive in the hearts of all men and women, even those who do not have the blood of the peninsula, there are those who were adopted by our empire from before. And even as an empire fell and a corporation took over, we are still Spanish. And we will not let greed rule.[/i] --------------------------- Encarnación ignored all things around her, strapping the armor on her suit. With one foot on the top of her foot locker and another providing her balance, she could hear Covenant speak to her easily as she adjusted some of the armored plates on her thighs “My lady, do you wish for some advice from the Holy Book?” The lady grunted as she made one final adjustment to her armor. She patted it well and said, straightening her back “Yes. Could you please recite the passages that shall make us both ready for war…” “Very well, Ma’am.” “Thank you, Covenant.” After giving her armor one last inspection and a quick look around as well, she sighed as she started to listen to the scriptures, the lady making her way out of her room. “Put on yourself the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s scheme.” She passed by some of her soldiers and officers from the war for Spain. They saluted her swiftly as she returned it with the nod of her head “You are my war club, my weapon for battle - with you I shatter nations, with you I destroy kingdoms.” Kingdoms. Will I ever be a queen with a kingdom? Will there ever be a chance that these corporations shall go away as the tides do, as they ever do on the shores of Andalusia? Of Valencia? Catalonia? The places her people came from? “Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all fighting men draw near and attack.” She finally made it to the Operations Room. There she would receive her orders and speak with other pilots. She winced at that and felt a set of jaws come around her heartstrings. Was she truly a hero or a traitor? Perhaps something like the man with the mask from the ancient Watchmen comics? “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” And finally she spoke, keeping her voice down so she could hear her words alone before finally bringing herself forward to participate in the calm before the storm. “I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city.” She paused for a little while. Then she looked to the rosary she wore around her neck as well as the Sacred Heart of Jesus painted on the armor that shielded her breast. She spoke to them “Beat easy and let me stand firm. Bless me with bravery, with might and with honor. My duty on this Earth is not over yet and allow me, oh God, to be victorious and glad. Bless my hands, my mind and my weapons. Let go of nothing that will protect me and grant me the righteousness I need to be a good soldier. Firmly take my hands and grant them the power to end life that may stand against me and my people. Save me and all that I hold dear. And in return, oh God, I devote my heart, my mind and my liberty to you. Amen.” She crossed herself and joined the squad, entering silently with a smile as her Covenant told her, a whisper in her ear “Por sus crímenes contra su gente y por mi deseo de servirle, Mi Señora, deje que mis armas rugen y mi armadura proteja.”