[h2]Zone 1[/h2] [@AdmrlStalfos19] [b]“Yeah,”[/b] the proctor replied, her tone clearly not pleased as she monitored the scenario from her laptop. [b]“I can see that. It’s unreasonable to expect him to be able to continue after this, so check up on him on-site and if you can, move him out to the starting area.”[/b] She paused, the sounds of a few button presses ringing clearly through the call, before letting out a sigh. [b]“Medical’s gonna get there in three minutes. We’ll have a chat about this later, Tanifuji.”[/b] And with that, the Chinese bun girl ended the call and turned her attention back to the scene playing out right before her. [hr] [@Scribe of Thoth][@Stern Alogrithm][@ShwiggityShwah] Circling around the back, Hiroki had a great view of the ruptured engine, metal folded into cement and rebar, the stench of warm oil seeping out onto the floor. They definitely wouldn’t be able to use the bus now, for transportation or anything else. But it was the least of his concerns as the turbine-armed boy approached the windows. They were all closed quite tightly, and against the locks, his nails had a higher chance of breaking off than forcing it open. It made a sad amount of sense too: the bus itself had been air conditioned throughout the trip due to the cold weather. And through the glass, he could see the child-proctor quite clearly, looking back at him with a slightly tilted head. Luckily or not, it turned out that he didn’t have to sneak in through the back anyways. Shun’s gambit had worked. More specifically, it hadn’t been a gambit at all, only a feat paid in dizzying headaches, abnormal pixilation, and heart-throbbing exhaustion. No matter the strength or speed of an individual, it mattered not against light-speed movement and before the Mastermind could even pull the trigger, his gun had disappeared, the trigger finger pulling on thin air. If this was a different situation, the muscle-bound man would have applauded Shun for his quick decision-making. As it stood though… [b]“Tch.”[/b] The first frown formed on the man’s face, before he leaped down the stairs, a double-stomp directed towards Mari. Wherever Shun had gone, it didn’t matter. There was no hero that would abandon their partner when in peril. [h2]Zone 3[/h2] [@Lugubrious] [@AdmrlStalfos19] It wasn’t pleasant indeed, having a roll of flesh pushed up against the hard edges of the manhole. Goro’s intentions were well, but they were also painful, a gradual indentation being formed around her hips. It wouldn’t take all that long, honestly, for Sumi to be free, but it was in that time that other insects began to fly, attracted to the warmth of her flailing body, the [i]rush[/i] of something that lived. And oh, she could feel them all now, crawling up and around, bouncing off when she kicked, only to land again. Disgusting disgusting disgusting. It wouldn’t be long before she was freed but it was [i]disgusting[/i]. [h2]Zone 5[/h2] [@TheWindel][@Sho Minazuki][@zelosse] Houki’s eyes flared red, another set of beams about to burst. But she had not moved. And when one gazed unto the abyss, the abyss gazes back. Moments before twin lasers shot from her eyes, the Ruler appeared from the fog, vespers of condensation trailing off her clothes, her own stormy eyes locking onto the ash-blonde student. And in that instant, the red light winked out. The anger vanished. And all that was left was a knee-trembling fear that grew over time. Houki found herself unable to move. Unable to run. Unable to so much as breathe, her heart rate going out of control. Everything was falling to tiny, broken pieces, and her thoughts were crashing into each other meaninglessly. For all that was extraneous about this villain, the sheer dominance in her presence was real. And one step by one, the woman in Victorian dress approached Houki, reaching out with a gloved hand. Then, Kaito’s guitar roared to life, sounding over all the ambient screams, his throaty voice joining soon after. It wasn’t a good performance. His fingers still felt as if they were made of lead. But still he sang, shredding away for a performance that wasn’t for anyone but himself. And within his heart, his Power Chord rang, the rhythm and rhyme, the emotions and skill, all mixing together and building up. Beyond the strength and speed granted, what was in a song? In the recesses of her terror-filled mind, it was the voice of a massive pervert and a terrible musician that reached Houki.