[@Lilaen][@WittyReference][@Cio][@Archangel89] He grinned at Mag'mora, for her impatience was what he was looking for. [color=#999999][i]"Well, it's simple. My master wishes to use a large sum of dark magic to bring you to her world. However, not to conquer it as you might think. She will give you a year. A year of dealing with mortal challenges and issues, whilst dealing with your normal supernatural ones, in which she will help you in some situations. Should all of you fail to do so, you won't learn a lesson that could get your thrones back, if that's what you wish at the end of the year."[/i][/color] He looked at the others while he said this, and stopped on her for dramatic effect. He grinned at her in a way that would make a human's skin crawl. [color=#999999][i]"What do you say, Sin of Lust?"[/i][/color]