As the sophomores and first year students lined up by the bus to get on, Albion made his way close to the front of the group of students. He wanted to get on the bus immediately so he can choose his preferred seat. The back of the bus was never to his liking ever since middle school because it was always crowded. As the bus doors opened, the students shuffled onto the bus. Albion took the first seat closest to the front as a few sophomore students went to the back. As he sat there observing the students, he wondered how the teams would be. Will it be a duo type team, a 5 man squad, a trio? As Alexa and Yin were walking onto to the bus, Yin said loudy [color=662d91]“Really? The SOPHOMORES DON’T LOOK ALL THAT TO ME."[/color] As she said that, Akexa went into a panic as if she was scared of the sophomores. [color=00aeef]“Yin! Y-You can’t say that?! What if they retaliate?"[/color] Albion looked at Alexa and stated [color=ed1c24]"I'd like to see em try.[/color] Alexa nodded to him, and Yin and her proceeded to find seats on the bus. Yin sat alone, and this seemed like a great opportunity to get to know her better. Albion hadn't gotten to talk to her alone since the written entrance exam, but as soon as he conjured up the courage, Herito sat right next to her. He felt a sudden sense of disappointment come over him.