[hider=Ellie Cooper] [center] [b]Name:[/b] Ellie Cooper [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Occupation/Affiliation:[/b] Los Angeles Police Department- Emergency Dispatcher [/center] [b]Physical Description:[/b] Ellie’s unmanageable, curly mane and small stature has unintentionally left her desperate for an identity outside of a teen member of the 90’s youth rebellion or a worshipper of Mariah Carey. Standing at 5’0, she regularly finds herself battling to prove her age, though her knack for inappropriate humor certainly doesn't help. Her skin is pale and unmarked, a direct result of the hours she finds herself tucked behind a computer, and the rest of her features parallel her light complexion. [b]History:[/b] Unlike many who flood California, Ellie came to the state stripped of hope. She had no job waiting, no big interviews or auditions in line, and certainly no money to hold her above water. Raised in a small town in Colorado, Ellie met the man she would marry in high school and they had their own small ceremony only days after their graduation. She endured the struggles of the police academy alongside him, postponing her own dream of college and instead working various small jobs in an effort to keep them afloat as they attempted to balance the first few years of a new life together. Four years after being commissioned, her husband was dispatched to a domestic violence call. Upon arrival, he was met by a meth cook with a gun that ultimately took his life. Investigation later showed that a database error brought him to the incorrect address. Ellie stayed in Colorado just long enough to attend the funeral and sell what she could, including their home. She packed her trunk and drove originally to Las Vegas where her bank account was drained, then bounced West until she hit water. A job outside of waitressing that did not require further education added to a twisted sense of honoring her late husband was enough for her to put on a headset and become a dispatcher. Unfortunately, dealing with the issues of a city everyday never seems to solve her own. [/hider]