There was soon a response, though first from the Talon forces who followed Thaddeus. One of the grunts piloting a simple sword and shield unit spoke over the comm system directly to the entire squad. "Colonel! There across the river." The river in this area marked the boarder between the two nations, and on the other side stood a massive machine built of dark metal with red runes glowing all over. All Kuth machines were bulky, but this one was excessively so. This marked it as some form of heavy unit, possibly artillery by the single massive cannon in the machine's back. It stood on two legs and had two arms, a humanoid type. The Kuth pilot remained silent, well in his right to be where he was. He did not attempt to cross the river, only watching the Talon scouting party. One thing the grunt pointed out, was that cannon was aimed directly at Thaddeus, ready to fire at any moment. But it didn't fire, only prepared to defend the boarder if it needed to. "Colonel, call for you from Admiral Jameson." The Admiral contacted the mech which held the communication equipment, and as a result was able to be linked to Thaddeus. "Thaddeus my child, as a man of good faith I have an opportunity for you to prove yourself before the eyes of God. The negotiations with the Gazere have finished, and in return for use of their oil rigs they request that we help to defend their lands from the EDF incursions on their northern boarder. I leave the decision to you Colonel. Stay there obj adding the pack of dogs from jumping the fence, or test your metal in the scorching deserts alongside the Gazere and show them the might of God's men." While the message went through, the Kuth machine backed away into the darkness, the runic symbols giving it away for a time before they too faded away.