[b]Mid-February, 4901 YDC[/b] [i]Imperial Dominion of Kitagawa[/i] [hr] [i]16th February, 4901 We’ve almost arrived at Nilrandell. The mood onboard is light. Pietyr joked we’re being sent in because the auxilia are too incompetent to suppress a bunch of Yamato. On a more serious note, I find myself agreeing with him. Before we left, we received a report that the 27th Auxiliary Legion opened fire on a crowd of protesters - things turned to shit and they failed to even hold their ground in the stampede. Makes you wonder how the Imperium has managed to stick together this long, if true. The boys are confident we’ll put the Yamato in their place and we’ll be back home in the Spring. I hope they’re right.[/i] [center]- - - - -[/center] [i]17th of February, 4901 We’ve finally landed on Kitagawan soil. Nilrandell is a busy place. There are ships from all over the Imperium in port and all sorts of people. We set up our base of operations inside the city and moved our supplies in from the ships. The Yamato I’ve encountered seemed indifferent to our presence. Maybe they’re too far from the capital to care what’s going on? The children laughed at us and begged for treats, but Darrel told them off with the butt of his rifle. The unrest seems so far away.[/i] [center]- - - - -[/center] [i]19th of February, 4901 We saw our first action today. Our orders were to enforce martial law in a town called Junkyu. In other words, we stood around on the streets and did our best to look professional as the Yamato went about their daily business. Around noon, a horse cart attempted to run the checkpoint we’d set up. We yelled at the driver in what little Yamato we learned on the trip, but he wouldn’t stop. There was something in his eyes. Madness. Or fierce determination, one of the two. When he was almost upon us, I saw the windows had been thrown open and out poked gun barrels. I ran behind a newspaper stand and shouted a warning. The gunmen fired wildly and we returned the favor in kind. Darrel was grazed on the leg, but came out alright. We poured damn near all we had into that cart until the guns stopped. We caught the horses and calmed them down and inspected the bodies. As we laid them out, men and women ran at us, wailing and beating us with their fists. We dispersed them with a few shots into the air, but had to put down a couple that came at us with knives. Ottus suffered a nasty stab wound. The audacity of these Yamato! To think the men in the cart could have killed any passerby in the street in the crossfire, and they weren’t even grateful? This place is mad.[/i] [center]- - - - -[/center] [i]23rd February, 4901 We’ve finally been ordered to mobilize. Time to say goodbye to the hellhole of Junkyu. Ever since the cart attack, the people gave us dirty looks. They watched us through the shutters and stared as they passed by. We raided a few homes in the attempt to find illicit weapons. Just a few hunting rifles, mostly, but we carried back some spectacular swords. If the Yamato fumed when we entered their homes, they had meltdowns when we confiscated these. They wept and begged and grabbed at our sleeves, but we pushed them away and took the weapons with us. I don’t know what the fuss is over some old relics, but these people do love their swords. Our new orders are to link up with the 29th Auxiliary Legion. It seems fighting has broken out with some nationalist militia. This is what we’ve all been waiting for.[/i] [center]- - - - -[/center] The last four diary entries of Private Kaus Aabeldun, found on his person when his body was recovered on 25th February, 4901 YDC. Posthumously awarded the Medal of Exemplary Courage for his actions the day prior.