"Oh." Julan remarked, looking over both Kaleeth and Zharan respectively. He looked worried, or at the very least, nervous. [i]"That, um, seems like it would take a while. Those marks go all over."[/i] [i]"Indeed, the tattoos can take many hours to apply."[/i] Thorantilth chimed in from the other side of the hut. He was back at his alchemy station, presumably preparing another potion for Julan's recovery. [i]"The marks of the leviathan in particular can take a while. They are a greater honor to receive, and tend to have more detail. They will cover your body, limbs, and tail to at least some degree, and will depict the most fearsome creature to inhabit these swamps. Unfortunately, it will take me a few days to gather and prepare the ink. I was not expecting any rites so close to our village's migration, so I did not have any on-hand."[/i] [hr] Ahnasha was tempted, but hesitant. "I'm...not sure. I promised him I wouldn't follow him, and I don't want to make myself a liar. You're free to go after him, but...maybe I can just wait at the bandits' camp. You can go find him, talk to him, and if he thinks he's ready to talk to me again, you can bring him back to me. Otherwise, I'll just make my way back to the city eventually, I suppose. Maybe I can even cook a meal for us. Hopefully, the scavengers haven't ruined too much of the meat."