[hr][hr][center][h1][color=f7941d]Flynn Jenkins[/color][/h1][img]https://d1nao0k9edgivc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Falling-Skies-1-616x448.jpg[/img][hr][color=f7941d][b]Location[/b][/color]: P7Y-496: Gate location-> Forest[/center][hr][hr] Flynn waited until Cassandra, Crystal and Evan arrived through the gate. He fixed on his baseball camo cap and cracked his neck as they stepped through and the gate closed behind them with the distinct sound. The surrounding forest was rather nice actually, the gate was located in what appeared to be a small clearing in the forest where the ground was paved with stone slabs and a cobblestone and gravel path led away from the gate in the direction of the local settlement. The fact how peaceful this place looked, was probably because of hte lack of Goa'uld interference for a long long time. With no naquadah to mine, the planet enjoyed a lot of peace. The air was extremely clean too. [color=f7941d]"Alright people, we are going to be following along the path, but going through hte forest as I said for cover. Keep your eyes open, Cassandra, Crystal, you two follow after me while Evans, will take the rear."[/color] He said and turned to the other soldier."[color=f7941d] You keep your eyes open and remember no shooting unless I give the okey for it."[/color] Flynn stated and started walking and heading into the forest. Far enough deep to be somewhat hidden in the trees, but also close enough to the path so they could be on hte lookout and see if someone's on the road. [color=f7941d]"Intel suggests that the local culture's similar to medieval Europe farming community, but without the whole Christianity and burning people on crosses deal."[/color] Flynn called and gestured with his gun at a stona statua that could be seen by the road through the trees. It was a representation of Ba'al.[color=f7941d]" Anyway, Cassandra and Crystal, keep that in mind if someone starts talking about what women's duty should be and the like. Not sure it will happen, but we should try to not get into arguments. Also keep with the group... there was a case where then Major Samantha Carter was almost traded to a warlord by a local during one SG1's early missions."[/color] He told the other two, trying to see their reaction. It was an old case at this point, but hey he might as well poke at the newbies to see how they react. Suddenly a sound of snapping fallen branches echoed around the forest and Flynn gestured for attention right away and started to search for the source.