[center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6d/Flag_of_the_Japanese_Emperor.svg/120px-Flag_of_the_Japanese_Emperor.svg.png[/img][/center] [h3]February, part 4[/h3] The Imperial Palace was silent as a tomb ever since the Nankyo Massacre has occurred. For the first time, Shogun Emperor Eikou felt furious at every turn of events. This was not what he had planned nor could he have anticipated. The protests were growing too disdainful too quickly and it meant his plans for national revival would fall apart from the sheer speed of general dissent. His thoughts of this whole situation was developing was interrupted when Genki Abe, head of the newly established Kempeitai, came into his office. Upon seeing the Shogun Emperor in a brooding mood, Abe cut straight to the point: “We established contact with the Meiyo Kaitukukai, Tōseiha, and Kōdōha factions and they have agreed to work with each other and with you. Already, the Kōdōha have alerted their secret militia camps to begin mobilizing while the Meiyo Kaitukukai began gathering public support from the villages and towns. The Tōseiha are in the process of establishing munitions and armaments factions in said villages and towns. Some are hidden; some aren’t.” “And what of the Secretariat?” Eikou asked, his mood lightening a bit. “The list provided by the Yllendyr proved to satisfactory. We have captured and begun extracting the information of agents from the handlers. So far, we got a dozen names that I can send my agents after at this very moment. This will certainly help protect the movements of our militia. Also, the new Shogun have recently arrived in the Treaty Port and will proceed to make his way to Nankyo.” “Tell the Kōdōha to send 60 men armed with rifles to intercept the Shogun’s movement. If they cannot gather that much guns, contact the villagers and townspeople to “donate” some weapons from the local armories. Continue with the purging of the Yllendyr secret police. Keep them blind and toothless.” Shogun Emperor Eikou ordered, “And get me Gael!” Abe left the Imperial Palace in secret with his newfound orders, leaving Eikou more brooding than before. This was a dangerous gamble that would cause the Imperium to send more troops. He was highly suspicious of Velendaal’s goals in sending over 9 thousand soldiers to the Shogunate. This seem to prove some rumors that the southern elves were secretly siding with Ecruir. Of course, that spurned on even more rumors, rumors that put the Yamato in constant wariness while the more radical bunch already saw the Shogunate already at conflict against the Velendaal and openly attacked the intervention force. Not exactly what he wanted, but having less soldiers to deal with is always good. “I need an army.” Eikou mumbled under his breath. "I need one real fast."