[quote=@DracoLunaris] [@Lmpkio] sorry to be a bother mate, but you'll need to change your Kindred spirits again because the koopa king has just entered the ring: [hider=Bowser] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7VmE2Nf.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/m97uxNC.jpg[/img][/center] [color=EAE11C]Game Origin:[/color] Super Mario Bros. [color=EAE11C]Personality: [/color] Brutal, merciless, destructive and cataclysmic, the koopa king is a classic villain through and through. While he might seemingly pull off this evil king image effortlessly it is in fact something of a idealised persona, one that he works hard to live up too. When it comes down to it what really defines Bowser is his ego: He is the greatest villain and nobody else is going to take over the world on his watch. He is going to mary princess peach and woe betide anyone else who tries to kidnap her because that is HIS thing. He is also very overconfident, certain of his own cunning, strength and his eventual assured victory despite his many previous blunders. On the more positive side of things bowser exhibits something of a dry wit, occasional bouts of intelligence and shows a surprising degree of compassion and philanthropy when it comes to his underlings. [color=EAE11C]Background:[/color] Bowser is the King of the Koopa Kingdom, the perpetual kidnapper of princess peach and the arch nemesis to Mario. Over years and years Bowser and his rival have battled across time and space in what the king sees and an epic duel for the princess’s heart and mario sees mostly as a better gig than plumbing. Intermittently Bowser has acted as a reluctant hero, protecting his world alongside his normally enemies against greater scope villain and usurpers to his throne, and has also occasionally been the unwitting pawn of greater villains such as Cackletta and Tabuu. His latest kidnapping escapade ended with mario gatecrashing his and the unveiling peach's wedding, mind controlling him and then stranding him on the moon all much to his displeasure. Sometime after that the king ended up standing alongside the other smash bros in their initial failed attempt to defeat Galeem, in which he was blasted by the lord of light’s annihilation beam while attempting to battle their foe. Now revided, the koopa king has been given a chance at revenge that he has gladly taken even if it means working alongside a bunch of heros again. [b][color=EAE11C]Specialty:[/color][/b]Tank/Boss [b][color=EAE11C]Level:[/color][/b] 1 [b][color=EAE11C]Experience:[/color][/b] 0/10 [b][color=EAE11C]Powers:[/color][/b] [list] [*][color=EAE11C]Fire Breathing:[/color] Bowser can exhale torrents of fiery breath from his maw, roasting all who are foolish enough to not avoid the rather telegraphed ability. [/list] [b][color=EAE11C]Strengths:[/color][/b] [list] [*][color=EAE11C]Big Bad Boss:[/color] Initially about the height of two and a half regular humans, Bowser towers above almost all who oppose him. He might get bigger as we go on. [*][color=EAE11C]Koopa Physiology:[/color] In addition to being huge bowser’s toughness is further enhanced by his scaly skin and armored turtle shell, making very hard to take down. His body also has many natural weapons such as sharp fangs, rending claws, spiked horns and a dozen large spikes arrayed across his shell. [*][color=EAE11C]Villinouse Charisma:[/color] He might be kind of an idiot and prone to failure but bowser is THE videogame villain and nobody can take that away from him. As a result he will easily impress the kinds of people who view villany as an art simply by being himself which is what, along with a surprisingly benevolent rule, inspires such loyalty from his minions. [/list] [b][color=EAE11C]Weaknesses: [/color][/b] [list] [*][color=EAE11C]Incompetent:[/color] He should really read the Evil Overlord List because at this point bowser has been foiled by his own ineptitude in almost every conceivable way. He is also kind of an idiot and the only thing bigger than bowser himself is the king’s ego, a pair of traits which can often make for a disastrous combination. [*][color=EAE11C]vs Goliath[/color] Bowser’s size is a weakness as much as it is a strength because it makes him slow and predictable. While the big man can get some decent straight line speed thank to shear size alone momentum is a massive a massive issue for bowser, as is how predictable/telegraphed his movements are. [/list] [b][color=EAE11C]Spirits:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [/list] [b][color=EAE11C]Kindred Spirits:[/color][/b] [list] [*][url=http://deltarune.wikia.com/wiki/Susie]Susie:[/url] Who is this sassy lost child and why do they share the koopa king’s fashion sense? Bowser certainly does not know, but maybe he will find out. [*][url=https://www.mariowiki.com/Princess_Peach]Peach:[/url] The love of his life whom he has repeatedly kidnapped and recently attempted to marry on the moon. Despite the princess’s dislike for her tormenter the pair have teamed up on a number of occasions when their world is threatened by a common enemy. [*][url=https://www.mariowiki.com/Bowser_Jr.]Bowser jr.:[/url] Bowser’s only family is his beloved son bowser jr. The tiny turtle is his father's right hand boy and an eager participator in Bowser's various villainous ventures. [/list] [b][color=EAE11C]Inventory: [/color][/b] [list] [*][color=EAE11C]Hat: [/color] A somewhat silly ranged weapon that is dangerous primarily due to its size. It can be thrown like a boomerang to strike a target, after which it will return to its master’s head. For no conceivable reason it features a pair of robotic boxing arms the only purpose of which seems to have been to allow Mario to beat the crap out of him once the hero stole the hat. [*][color=EAE11C]Nice Suit:[/color] This pristine white suit it offers no combat enhancements or additional durability other than a pair of steel toed boots. It does however grant the King an extra dapper appearance. Without access to any tailors, such as the Broodles who made the thing, it is unlikely to survive the coming hostilities. [/list] [/hider] [/quote] A great sheet! The only recommendations I would make would be to his specialty, actually. Rather than 'boss/tank', if you're going for the group leader role, you might consider replacing 'boss' with 'leader.' In addition, 'bruiser' might describe a tough character who's both a tough defender and a strong attacker, rather than a straight tank. These quibblings are, of course, nonessential, so feel free to port the sheet over to the Characters tab as you see fit.