[@Cio][@Lilaen][@WittyReference][@Archangel89] Nemorus looked at Ag'thal with a crooked grin. [color=#999999][i]"Your distrust is warranted, but my master [u]is[/u] doing this purely out of the good of her heart. I can't lie, and I'm directly linked with her. But she is curious how you'd fair. As for failure..."[/i][/color] He was suddenly very close and in a position not even the sins could do anything to stop him from causing fatal harm to the demon. But Demons came back whilst in hell so she simply had to worry about pain. He gripped her shoulders and whispered in her ears, but all the sins could still hear him. [color=#999999][i]"Then you get lower than even here. With no chance to get higher."[/i][/color] He left her side, letting it sink in. He turned back to her with a little twirl. [color=#999999][i]"Plus I never said you had to reclaim your throne at the end of the trial, simply that you could."[/i][/color] He went back to crouching on his claws, his wings covering his back and sides.