[hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=Gold]Rhys Asher[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378688333867646976/422255485312565259/df0f62f8c2142e8ad9d0dec68836d9f6.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Gold]Location: Home[/color][/center] [hr] Rhys gritted his teeth against the testy witch's attitude. Sneering at the woman he crooned with sickening sweetness. [color=Gold]"Be any way you wish, but in my home with my son you will stitch your mouth close over insulting me."[/color] He poured some water in a tea kettle, a battered blackened thing that served it's purpose quite well. Building up a slight fire in his hearth, he set the kettle on a iron arm and swung it over the coals as he plopped a long into the bed of stirring flames. In all honesty, he was about ready to have done with Esmeralda. Just a slight prick of a well placed knife and she would be another victim of the streets. Yet, as tempting as it was. He was a victim now of the Sickenesse, and needed her. Rhys snarled quietly as he crushed tea leaves into a mortar and pestle. He [i]hated[/i] owing people, but there was no hope for it. His dark eyes gazed over at the wretched woman as she questioned his divination rituals. [color=Gold]"Decent enough. Though I don't see how a man struck my Sickenesse could help you with that. Perhaps if you care to explain rather than running off with a brat in your belly and your brother's dear skull?"[/color] It wasn't smart to mock the woman, but he was in a foul mood and she was only making it worse. [hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=Lavender]Skaoi Silverveil[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://www.tribute.ca/news/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/galadriel1.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Lavender]Location: Infirmity travelling to Attic[/color][/center] [hr] To hear herself described as a mouse was a bit... Off putting if Skaoi was honest with herself. She wasn't saying it wasn't true, but it was slightly wounding to her already limited pride. Pulling back sharply as Amarantha stepped in her way once more, the physik gave a slight sigh of mixed defeat and irritation. She had patients and despite Lyra's orders to leave the attic, surely she could help? She, after all, could negate Prince Myrus's powers. Yet as the Young Army leader asked if anyone could confirm that Skaoi took another step back, her pale blue eyes dropping to the scorched floor. [color=Lavender]"As you will it."[/color] She whispered in defeat. What could she say to confirm her innocence in these terrible schemes? She hadn't seen anyone, or she couldn't remember. Becky had, or should have been, in the infirmary with the patients. Where Skaoi herself should have been, alas. She had been eager to find a cure. Eager to stop the madness of this strange plague. To do some good with her limited means. Turning on her heel she gave Myrus a slight smile twinge with sadness. He was her Royal too, as was the Princess Luna. Though Valda? The Queen terrified Skaoi, but she was a [i]queen[/i] and Skaoi had never been easy with royalty. [color=Lavender]"I shall be awaiting you below, Prince Myrus. Majesty."[/color] Slipping down the steps she leaned against the wall and tried to remember how to breathe. She would make sure that the Prince was alright, she decided then she would flee the Palace. She couldn't let them know the horrors she had brought down before. The twisted rumors that had destroyed her family's reputation. [hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=CadetBlue]Grimspound[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/657d7391a50b11712cac5c306f4a350b/tumblr_ooksq5OF9a1tmko9vo1_540.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=CadetBlue]Location: Aricie[/color][/center] [hr] The chatter of traders was a useful tool to Grimspound as he allowed Minerva to lead their little group to the abandoned former home of the Port Witches. His keen ears picked up little talk, but there was a rumor about the lost princess from the Land of Long Nights having been at a nearby tavern. He didn't dismiss it outright, but he tucked it away as something he could possibly look at later. His mother often considered him a fox. Stashing away even the smallest kernel of knowledge for a time he would put it to clever use. Looking up at the building he considered the worn and weathered frame, as the little girl in a yellow dress warned them that death awaited within. He didn't sense anything outright but that could mean very little. Looking at the girl he raised a brow giving a boyish grin. [color=CadetBlue]"And why might we find out death in there, oh wise one?"[/color] There was no mocking in his voice but keen interest as to why a child would say such a thing. He didn't dismiss that Ahote was feeling a sense of dread, couldn't rather. His mother's folk often said that the sense of dread that one felt was a ancient calling to the times before. If someone had it, he was obliged to listen. Heeding it was another matter though. [color=CadetBlue]"Let us not act too hasty. This was a home to witches, they might have put some effectual security measure about the place."[/color] That's what he would do at any rate.