[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180414/59b76bf7b5b78d2bb3d2a7fb86019d1b.png[/img][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180102/9dd1c4dc7761d47b108378b261e90452.png[/img][/center][hr] [center][img]https://i.gifer.com/QLL8.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][@FantasyChic][@LadyRunic][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][/center][hr][hr] Jakobsen was heading towards the facility right now, trying to figure out what the hell was even going on. The facility had gone quiet not too long ago, and they weren't able to get a hold of anyone there. Something was definitely wrong, but he didn't know what as he was trying to call the facility yet again, but unable to get through. Jade was sitting next to him in the car, watching an episode of [i]the Office[/i] on her phone. She had one earbud in and the other out, that way her fiancé could talk to her if he wanted to. [color=2d5eb9]"Something is going on there... Wonder what exactly it is... Can't get a hold of anyone..."[/color] [color=339933]"Last time that happened, Hel arrived. Perhaps another demigod has come to have a temper tantrum - or the Brotherhood."[/color] [color=2d5eb9]"Just what we'd need, another incident like that one..."[/color] he muttered, the images of everything that had happened at the OMEN HQ years before stood out in his mind. It was impossible not to think about that stuff, especially not right now. Jade rubbed his knee slightly. [color=339933]"Whatever it is....I still get to complain more... Since I'm carrying a freaking baby in my stomach,"[/color] she said, giving him a slight smirk. Alex gave her a smile, [color=2d5eb9]"That is true... Sorry for dragging you along for this Jade..."[/color] She shrugged. [color=339933]"Hey, your work can be interesting - and I used to do this sort of thing. You know, I had a real job sort of before I went back to following cheaters into alleys and taking photographs."[/color] [color=2d5eb9]"That was also your choice Jade, you could have joined OMEN. But you wanted to go back to that sort of work, and I wasn't even going to try to stop you from that."[/color] Jade had been offered to take over as OMEN's director after the Winchester brothers, the previous directors, disappeared. But she hadn't wanted the job. And now with her fiancé leading the organization, she had more of a reason to not want to join. She wanted to be independent. [color=339933]"No offense, love, but OMEN isn't my style - bit of a macabre name, too."[/color] [color=2d5eb9]"Whatever you say Jade,"[/color] he said with a slight laugh. [color=339933]"Might as well have gone with the Grim as the organization mascot,"[/color] Jade teased. [color=2d5eb9]"I didn't have a say in what the agency was called, so don't blame me,"[/color] he said, laughing now. [color=339933]"You would have named it something really lame,"[/color] Jade insisted, giggling. [color=339933]"Like...P.I.N.K. or something of the sort."[/color] She gave him a smile. [color=339933]"...You used to laugh a lot more when we started dating."[/color] [color=2d5eb9]"Why would I name it that?"[/color] he said, laughing a little, before hearing her other comment. [color=2d5eb9]"Really? You think so?"[/color] [color=339933]"Of course...I miss that - I miss my Alex."[/color] [color=2d5eb9]"...Things change Jade, but maybe... Maybe I can see about leaving OMEN... Spend more time with you then..."[/color] She raised an eyebrow. [color=339933]"OMEN isn't what's taking up your time, Al. It's the campaign - I hardly ever see you and if I do, we're stuck in front of cameras. And do you know how bloody hard it is to not cuss in front of them? I'm not naturally First Lady material - more like First Bitch."[/color] [color=2d5eb9]"I honestly don't care if you cuss in front of them. I mean just look at who the current president is, an idiot who doesn't know what the hell he's even doing. He's said worse things in front of a camera than a few swear words if you ask me."[/color] Jade laughed at that. [color=339933]"Yeah, he is an arse....But Al, I want you to do what you want to do - do what makes you happy, okay?"[/color] [color=2d5eb9]"I just want to be able to make a difference... That's all I really want to do..."[/color][hr][hr] [@Nallore] The agents outside are all still alive, but they definitely aren't going to be doing much of anything to fight against them at the moment. However, something else comes up the road to the facility. A black SUV, and once it stops, outsteps the one and only Alexander Jakobsen. He notices the agents and the carnage on the ground, before looking over towards the Quinjet, eyeing it a little bit. [@KazAlkemi] Demetria causes the dome to disappear, more of fading into nothing, melting almost but it doesn't leave a trace. [color=A4FFFC]"I have no idea what that sound was. Now, down the stairs we go!"[/color] she says happily. Flynn rolled his eyes slightly at that, but led the way downstairs, his gun drawn as he searched around the area ahead of them. However, they'd run into the group that was heading upstairs (look at Lance's post) [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=007236]Marygold Isley[/color] and [color=8493ca]Mirembe Adebayo[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/BQpV8zJr/giphy.gif[/img] [color=007236][b]Location:[/b] OMEN Facility - First Floor Staircase[/color][/center][hr][hr] Mira raced after Guin when she had started running, when she glanced down and noticed the speedster's body. For a moment, she feared that it might have been the screech that had killed him, but noticed the blood covering his shirt, and realizing he'd been shot multiple times. At least she hadn't caused his death by accident, as she'd never be able to forgive herself if she had. Even still, the agents that were lying around on the ground, it made her feel a bit nauseous, knowing that she had caused this destruction. However, it wasn't like she could actually voice her opinion, her voice was basically gone completely right now. [color=red]"The blast I did cause, however that shriek came from another source that wasn't me,"[/color] Wanda muttered towards Sara, glaring slightly. She was used to being blamed for things, and now she was second guessing her choice to actually protect Sara's ears, which either would have resulted in her death or she'd be in immense pain had it not been for Wanda. [color=007236]"Guin? Are you okay?"[/color] Mary whispered softly, noticing her friend there and she walked over to her, kneeling on the ground slightly next to her. This was not a good sign, at all, that much was obvious. Things were going horribly, but at least they didn't have to deal with much resistance for the time being. Which was a good thing to say the least. They had to make sure the future that they had gone back in time to warn them about didn't come to pass, which meant a lot of things to be honest. Namely they still had to deal with Jakobsen and OMEN itself. They were at one facility, there were bound to be more. [color=007236]"...Come on Guin, all of you really... We need to keep moving, find the others down below. There shouldn't be too much trouble, but hopefully we can all get out of here without anything else happening... At least anything else that could be considered bad... Let's go... Okay?"[/color] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=yellow]Lance Banner[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://s3.favim.com/orig/44/logan-lerman-percy-jackson-Favim.com-370817.gif[/img] [color=yellow][b]Location:[/b] OMEN Facility - Staircase[/color][/center][hr][hr] Lance made sure to stay relatively close to the rest of the group, in order to make sure that they could at least see where they were going without accidentally tripping or something. When they were about halfway up the staircase, they ran into 3 people he didn't recognize, but one of them was wearing an OMEN uniform, however another had white hair and icy blue eyes, so he wasn't too sure what exactly they were up to at the moment. Who the hell were these people? Thalia for the most part had been relatively quiet, just following along after them, having plugged her ears to avoid the main force of the screech. She glanced up and noticed someone in the group that she did know. More of recognized as someone who had been stuck in the facility longer than she had. [color=a9a9a9]"Hello there Demetria..."[/color] [color=A4FFFC]"Hey there dragon girl, guessing you all are on the same page of time to make our great escape from this hell hole?"[/color] she asked, giving the group a slight smile. [color=A4FFFC]"Guessing you remember Agent Flynn? Well, he's on our side, so he's been helping us a bit, would be nice if you didn't shoot him."[/color] [color=a9a9a9]"...Yes, we were heading upstairs..."[/color] [color=A4FFFC]"Cool, we were going to check to see if anyone else was down here, anyway, thought I'd ask if someone in your group still has an inhibitor in their system?"[/color] she asked, pulling the vial from her pocket that held the serum to counteract the inhibitors. Pietro's eyes lit up, [color=7ea7d8]"My powers are still down..."[/color] [color=A4FFFC]"Quicksilver? Wouldn't surprise me, pretty sure everyone here knows you could easily pull of a jailbreak. They probably gave you a pretty heavy dose of the stuff. Here you go, you probably could use it to get us all up above pretty quickly,"[/color] she responded, tossing it to him. Pietro remained silent as he injected himself with the serum. It took a moment, and he did feel slightly ill afterwards, but his speed had definitely returned. [color=7ea7d8]"So, back to the first floor then?"[/color] Pietro said, a bit jumpy, before in a gust of wind he raced everyone upstairs in a blur. When they reached the top, Lance noticed that Pietro looked a little pale, and it didn't surprise him to much. His body probably had been working in overdrive to try and get the inhibitor out of his system, he looked like he might be sick actually, or potentially pass out. Pietro instantly went over to Guin and pulled her into his arms, and picked her up. [color=7ea7d8]"...So, let's see about getting out of here..."[/color]