Terra listened to Joey as he explained his position within Red-Star. He was providing a service then, as he was now, but as he said...it was basically a hollow and depressing thing to be a part of. He was no different from a slave to them, probably, kept youthful for appearances sake only and not because they appreciated him. Though she kept herself from displaying any overt reaction, the look in her violet eyes said she was a bit down about things involving Red-Star. She was keeping herself in control, but something was biting at her. [color=ed1c24]"I understand how they can use and abuse you. Red-Star was having me raised to perfection in order to be aimed at all of you here. I felt that it was a fool's errand, even if they succeeded."[/color] She sipped at her tea as Joey started serving other people. Terra did not know or, to be honest, really care about the political edge of things, so the conversation about it didn't really raise her interest. Instead, she attacked her pancakes until the masked pilot with the battle plans came by, which rather simplified things, at the moment. Once he was was done addressing Joey, Terra spoke up again. [color=ed1c24]"I want to ask you about the battle plans, but first...how are you planning to eat or drink anything with your helmet on?"[/color] The only methods she could think of was either via a series of tubes or that he was actually a ninja and ate really fast.