[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181206/22732344595f8c56e3f0cbe8f3f77a13.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QdtG6UN.png[/img] [sup][h2][b]「七転び八起き」[/b][/h2] [b]“Nana korobi ya oki.”[/b] [color=gray][i]Fall down seven times, get up eight.[/i][/color][/sup] [color=FFCF40][b][/b][/color][/CENTER][h3]Personal Dossier[/h3][hr][color=878787][sub][color=FFCF40][b]Name[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Uchiha Tomoya. [sup][color=white]「うちは トモヤ」[/color][/sup] [/indent] [sub][color=FFCF40][b]Age[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Twelve.[/indent] [sub][color=FFCF40][b]Rank[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Academy Student.[/indent] [sub][color=FFCF40][b]Origin[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/eMCmrQq.png[/img] Konohagakure.[/indent] [sub][color=FFCF40][b]Chakra Nature[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/maXpPdp.png[/img] [i]Fūton[/i].[/indent][/color][h3]Characterization[/h3][hr][color=878787][sub][color=FFCF40][b]Physical Description[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Uchiha Tomoya is a wiry boy. He is tall in stature with gangly arms, long legs, and shorter torso. Typically, he stands an inch or two above those in the same age group as him. Despite his demeanor contrasting greatly with the mostly sullen Uchiha clan, he has the distinct coloring of an Uchiha. Raven hair frames his face and jagged bangs hang in his face, the parts cut unevenly with some chunks tickling the tip of his nose and others not even grazing his eyebrow. His skin is extraordinarily pale, and, on a hot day, he is more likely to get a sunburn than a tan. The feature that Tomoya detests the most are his eyes, which are narrow with feminine lashes and are a warm black rather than a steely obsidian. On any given day, the Uchiha boy can be seen with a multitude of Band-Aids and bandages from overworking himself in some way. [/indent] [sub][color=FFCF40][b]Personality[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Tomoya is a warm summer day with kids running rampant in parks with popsicle-stained mouths and colorful kites flying in the wind. Tomoya is the confetti that rains down during celebrations, snagging into hair and catching in the wind. Tomoya is [i]gaudy[/i] and [i]flamboyant[/i] and [i]bright[/i]. His classmates see his flashiness, the way he works to be the brightest dot in the room – most find his gold-colored clothes more garish than dashing. Most say it’s just because he’s flamboyant, because he wants to be the center of attention. And they’re damn right. Tomoya is a showman, he likes it when eyes are on him and he can impress people with a splashy display and other such theatrics. It’s not because he’s arrogant, though, it’s because he’s insecure. Tomoya loves the validation, loves to impress. He’s a people-pleaser, kowtowing to his peers to get recognition for doing what they want – to get them to like him. This deep-seated insecurity comes from Tomoya’s big fat inferiority complex that’s a mile wide. Being a clan member without being a part of the main branch is [i]annoying[/i] and [i]disheartening[/i]. Tomoya is average, he’s not this genius who gets everything right on the first try. Going to the clan compound every day, and seeing his clansmen – some who’ll be his superiors some day if they aren’t already – doing great things, big things, that Tomoya can’t even dream of? It breaks Tomoya every time. He doesn’t want to be a good shinobi, he wants to be a great one, and the cynic in him tells him he can’t do it. Because he’s average – not bad, but not good. So, Tomoya works. He throws himself into doing the best job he can – in anything, whether its cleaning or its classwork. He overexerts himself by practicing outside of academy hours. Sometimes he tries dangerous tricks without supervision and subsequently has to cover the results of his failure with band-aids and flippant responses. Tomoya has a burning need to be the [i]best[/i] at things – he doesn’t want average, he wants the gold medal. His competitiveness drives him each day to push himself further than he medically should. Needing to win so badly, Tomoya can often be described as self-negligent for the total disregard he shows his body. Though he doesn’t think himself invincible, he doesn’t notice the harmful effects his overworking has had because all that matters to him is working to be the best. This damaging habit has left him to be rather reckless and particularly gutsy, throwing himself into harm’s way not because he’s brave or because he wants to be a hero, but because he forgets the consequences of losing. Personably, Tomoya is playful with a glitter of mischief, always giving his friends a hard time and encouraging the same treatment be given to him. Even though he’s gaudy in clothing and showmanship, always putting on a display with the world as his stage, that does not necessarily mean Tomoya is loud or cheery. Tomoya is average in temperament, in volume, in annoyance. He likes jesting, he likes roughhousing, but he’s not boisterous or optimistic or self-centered. Tomoya loves irony and wit and bad puns; he loves explosions of color and glitter and wide-eyed responses to unpredictability. He hates bathroom humor and lowbrow jokes and grossness; he hates arrogance and smugness and vanity. [/indent] [sub][color=FFCF40][b]Personal History[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Tomoya is not a member of the main house, but rather a distant relative. He’s a son of a simple shinobi and a shopkeeper. Tomoya’s mother is a shopkeeper of a weapons store, and his father is a genin-lifer – much to his children’s embarrassment. His family is rather big, with three brothers and three sisters – Tomoya was born smack dab in the middle and suffers from Middle Child Syndrome. The eldest two, twin sisters, are always preening under his father’s affections, especially since they passed their genin exam three years before Tomoya, and his elder brother has the workings of a business genius. Equally, Tomoya’s younger sister is doted on constantly because of her sweet nature, his younger brother is always demanding attention for his gift in art, and the youngest brother is a baby. Babies get their kicks out of hogging parents’ attention. Tomoya chose to follow the shinobi path but shows the same average potential that led to his father’s inability to rise in the ranks. Tomoya downright [i]refuses[/i] to be a genin-lifer. Ever since he was a child and saw the geniuses of the Uchiha clan, Tomoya was filled with a bitter resentment for not being naturally good enough. He decided to set out and [i]make[/i] himself into a prodigy – so far, his dreams are still unrealized despite how hard he works and he remains perfectly average. Ever since joining the Academy, Tomoya spends most of his time training till his bones ache; his family has ill-concealed irritation towards him since he never helps out around the family shop. [/indent][/color][h3]Attributes[/h3][hr][color=878787][sub][color=FFCF40][b]Special Traits[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][color=white][b]Stamina:[/b][/color][/indent][indent][indent]Because Tomoya spends so much time training, he has built up a lot of stamina and can often outlast many of his peers. It is extremely hard to tire out Tomoya's seemingly endless amount of energy.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=white][b]Unpredictable:[/b][/color][/indent][indent][indent]Tomoya is unpredictable in his very nature. He thrives on surprising people and has an imaginative mind that can think up ridiculous schemes. When displaying his taijutsu skills, Tomoya often shows a flexibility in adapting the style based on last minute whims which gives him the element of surprise and he constantly is pulling self-made moves off.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=white][b]Strategic:[/b][/color][/indent][indent][indent]Tomoya not only spent his time training, but poured over any piece of literature he could in an attempt to make himself better. Most of it never stuck to him; though, he shows promise in strategic thinking. Most of it is text-book, but with a little practice, Tomoya could become a formidable strategist.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=white][b]Sharingan:[/b][/color][/indent][indent][indent]Not unlocked.[/indent][/indent] [sub][color=FFCF40][b]Character Focus & Skillset[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][color=white][b]Genjutsu:[/b][/color][/indent][indent][indent]Since ninjutsu requires more chakra than Tomoya has, Tomoya decided to focus his talents on genjutsu in the last year at the Academy. Since then, he has been playing around with different genjutsu and realized it comes a lot easier to him than ninjutsu did. His genjutsu is good, but still remains in the average territory, much to Tomoya's chagrin. So far, Tomoya likes vision-based genjutsu the best.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=white][b]Taijutsu:[/b][/color][/indent][indent][indent]Genjutsu is effective, but can cripple the user in a pickle. Tomoya mainly focused on taijutsu throughout his Academy years, since it is the easiest thing to train unsupervised in (Tomoya has broken many bones training unsupervised). He wants to take his taijutsu further, just in case there comes a point in a fight where his genjutsu is unusable. His stamina makes taijutsu one of his strong skills.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=white][b]Creating jutsu:[/b][/color][/indent][indent][indent]Tomoya has a lot of big ideas that he wants to implement, to make things no one has ever done before. He's tried making jutsu and has even learned a couple of theoretical things behind it, but so far has managed to do jack shit. Still, he is determined to one day make one of a kind jutsu.[/indent][/indent] [/color][h3]Relationships[/h3][hr][sub][color=FFCF40][b]Family[/b][/color][/sub] [color=878787][indent][color=white][b]Uchiha Taisuke:[/b][/color][/indent][indent][indent]Tomoya's father. He is a source of great embarrassment for Tomoya because he is never moved up from a genin to a chunin. It came with great relief when his father retired from the shinobi forces and started working at the weapons' shop since being a genin did not pay well. Despite his embarrassment, he still loves his dad who is affectionate with all his kids.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=white][b]Uchiha Meisa:[/b][/color][/indent][indent][indent]Tomoya's mother. Tomoya gets along well-enough with her, but she has trouble understanding his ambitions. Still, she is always supportive of everything he does to the point of smothering. Though, Tomoya not working in the shop is the occasional point of contention between the two.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=white][b]Uchiha Kaede:[/b][/color][/indent][indent][indent]Tomoya's older sister and Kaori's twin, age fifteen. The insufferable one of the twin sisters, Kaede is a pretty good shinobi and takes every chance she gets to rub it in Tomoya's face. They fight like cats and dogs, but with a lot more destruction considering their disputes tend to get violent.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=white][b]Uchiha Kaori:[/b][/color][/indent][indent][indent]Tomoya's older sister and Kaede's twin, age fifteen. The less insufferable one of the twin sisters, but still insufferable, Kaori makes it a habit of teasing Tomoya. The distinction between Kaori and Kaede is that Kaori never crosses the line into upsetting Tomoya while Kaede is unaware of where the line is. Kaori is fiercely protective of Tomoya, though, and will fight anyone who makes fun of him that is not one of their siblings.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=white][b]Uchiha Toshiya:[/b][/color][/indent][indent][indent]Tomoya's older brother, age thirteen. Toshiya is the seemingly well-mannered son of the low Uchiha family - until he is behind closed doors. He is good at putting up a front in the company of others to make him and his family look good, but when its just the family Toshiya demonstrates a hot temper and a brash personality. Toshiya gets very annoyed with Tomoya, especially because he doesn't help around the shop.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=white][b]Uchiha Kotoe:[/b][/color][/indent][indent][indent]Tomoya's little sister, age eight. Kotoe is a sweet girl who loves animals and helping people. She's also well-versed in backhanded compliments and bossing people around without them knowing she's bossing them around. Tomoya often employs the help of Kotoe whenever he wants something from another family member. They have a very professional relationship, with a working monetary system of favors they exchange.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=white][b]Uchiha Tetsuya:[/b][/color][/indent][indent][indent]Tomoya's little brother, age five. Tetsuya is an artistic rascal who is constantly following Tomoya around. Of all his siblings, Tomoya is the closest to Tetsuya and is always buying him treats and art utensils.[/indent][/indent] [indent][color=white][b]Uchiha Takaya:[/b][/color][/indent][indent][indent]Tomoya's baby brother. He is a baby and inherently annoying to Tomoya.[/indent][/indent][/color] [color=878787][sub][color=FFCF40][b]Peers[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][color=white][b]TBD[/b][/color] [/indent][/color][h3]Jutsu List[/h3][hr][sub][color=FFCF40][b]S Rank[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]N/A[/indent] [sub][color=FFCF40][b]A Rank[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]N/A[/indent] [sub][color=FFCF40][b]B Rank[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]N/A[/indent] [sub][color=FFCF40][b]C Rank[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Demonic_Illusion:_False_Surroundings_Technique]Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique[/url] [sup][color=white]「魔幻・此処非の術」[/color][/sup][/indent] [sub][color=FFCF40][b]D Rank[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Demonic_Illusion:_Hell_Viewing_Technique]Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique[/url] [sup][color=white]「魔幻・奈落見の術」[/color][/sup][/indent] [sub][color=FFCF40][b]E Rank[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/E-rank]Academy Techniques[/url][/indent]