[h2]Tachibana Hibiki[/h2] What Hibiki hadn't been expecting was that instead of the response coming through her phone, it came through the person right in front of her--though, perhaps she [i]should[/i] have recognised what was going on? It wasn't as if Chris didn't have several rather distinctive features that made it hard to confuse her with anybody else... Although she managed to remind the somewhat less focused girl of how baffling it was that they had been transported [i]here[/i] when neither of them had the slightest plan to head to Tokyo, their missing [i]third[/i] member showed up... looking... strange? Not as strange as Ignite or, worse, the failed Ignite, but there was still something off. Hibiki was inclined to give her some benefit of the doubt given the situation--maybe this was a fake Tokyo and she was here to help? Chris seemed less certain, but given how destructive any fight with Chris would likely [i]be[/i], the brunette's answer was for Chris to cover the evacuation whilst Hibiki talked with Tsubasa. Because why wouldn't talking work? It was [i]Tsubasa,[/i] it wasn't like she would attack unreasonably. ... Any more. Though with that in mind, maybe she [i]should[/i] be prepared for a fight... grasping her own relic, Hibiki recited her chant... [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs5yDl0iWKU]"Balwisyall nescell Gungnir tron."[/url] ... and transformed. "Tsubasa-sen--" she said, moving closer and... triggering the other gear user to attack? But something about it wasn't right, the jump off of the massive blade and thrust forwards seemed almost [i]clumsy[/i]; slower and less threatening than the singer's attacks should normally have been. Not slow enough to be harmless, but slow enough that Hibiki could try something that she'd seen the commander do: catch Tsubasa's blade between two fingers. It shouldn't have worked. She wasn't as accomplished as Genjuro, supernatural enhancement or not, and Tsubasa had already fallen for this exact trick once. But... it did, and the result was the exact same as the previous occasion: with her sword pinned, it was used as a lever to toss her to one side, straight into a bank of claw machines. The exact same that Hibiki had been playing on earlier. A plush Maria incongruously bounced out of the broken machines and off the strange Tsubasa's head. She [i]really[/i] didn't want to fight Tsubasa properly...