[hider=Headmistress Jenny Blackheart] Name: Jenny Blackheart Age: She lost track sometime around the Crucifixion, so let's just go with [i]old[/i]. Gender: Female Appearance: [url] https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=99nauVi3&id=CCFF13D7F8E58BC0CA1B890E31E904F68B94EB3C&thid=OIP.99nauVi30vmfjsqzqi-IZQHaHh&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fimage.blingee.com%2fimages19%2fcontent%2foutput%2f000%2f000%2f000%2f7d4%2f792040950_742166.gif&exph=400&expw=394&q=cute+demon+girl&simid=608033450506322424&selectedIndex=7 [/url] Personality: Cold and calculating, Jenny is a paragon of rational evil. She always seeks to stack the deck in her favor before a conflict, but if caught unawares, she has some skill at improvising a way out of danger. She does care for her students, in her own way, but knows that villainy is a game where only the strongest survive. Bio: Jenny likes to keep her past mysterious. A witch who sold her soul for power? Satan's bastard daughter? The very personification of the concept of evil? All she'll say when confronted with a rumor about her backstory is, "Could be, could be." What is known as that she holds high rank in the League, and has gone toe-to-toe with several members of the Alliance- no mean feat. Classes taught: Black Magic 101, Advanced Black Magic, Eldritch Studies (Commonly known as Arts and Lovecrafts), Demonology Classroom Description: Larger on the inside than the outside, Jenny's classroom is decorated with arcane runes to aid in creating and focusing evil energies. Students are warned not to touch the seemingly innocuous items inside; opening that little box, for instance, will suck you into Cthulhu's home dimension. Powers: Jenny is perhaps the most skilled black magic user alive, and has a wide variety of deadly spells at her disposal. Her favorite involves animating and solidifying her victim's shadow, using it to drown them. Skills: Jenny is a surprisingly talented artist, and often paints Bosch-worthy scenes in her spare time. Equipment: A black wool cloak that makes her invisible and intangible. Other: Due to Jenny's power level, she will not be taking part in combat. [/hider] [hider=Adam Harris, Mad Science Teacher] Name: Adam Harris Alias: Network Age: 37 Gender: Male Appearance: [url] https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=AU4McUX0&id=3B506DEAD81635F297D24A137F637C375E64816F&thid=OIP.AU4McUX0fwQZZLUTPsi8OgHaFu&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fclipart-library.com%2fimages%2frTLobyGkc.jpg&exph=638&expw=825&q=Evil+Mad+Scientist&simid=607992777171009914&selectedIndex=110 [/url] Personality: Adam throws himself into the stereotype wholeheartedly. Everything he does is completely over-the-top, and he can often be heard cackling to himself. He's been known to even frighten some of the students, but nobody can deny his talent in various scientific fields. Bio: Adam worked in a robotics lab, where he was known as an up-and-coming star in the industry. However, when experimenting with giving one of his creations true AI, the robot turned on him and beat him into a coma. When he came out of it, he was utterly deranged, and his newfound insanity got him fired and ostracized from normal society. Jenny offered him a teaching position, and he jumped at the opportunity. Classes Taught: Evilutionary Biology, Cybernetics and You, Engineering Doomsday Weapons Classroom: A maze of bubbling beakers, Tesla coils, and other scientific apparatuses, with no regard for safety whatsoever. After all, a lab accident tends to result in superpowers, right? Powers: As a supergenius, Adam has several gadgets that can give him short-term powers, but his crowning achievement is the USB port on steroids in the back of his skull capable of downloading his consciousness into a robot body or uploading himself onto the internet to gain access to secure computer data. His main robot body is an eight-foot mech called Goliath. Skills: Adam has doctorate-level knowledge in nearly all fields of science. Equipment: Password crackers, EMPs, and a not-quite-ready-for-field-use freeze ray. Goliath itself has no weaponry, but the mech is quite capable of lifting half a ton. Other: None [/hider] [hider=Bethany Caldwell] Name: Bethany Caldwell Alias: Vessel Age: 14 Gender: Female Appearance: [url] https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Jq4FneEb&id=CF734842960D8CCA8E87767962D47422D6C8DF73&thid=OIP.Jq4FneEbtD213fWh04IK6QHaIH&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fi.pinimg.com%2foriginals%2f26%2fae%2f05%2f26ae059de11bb43db5ddf5a1d3820ae9.jpg&exph=625&expw=570&q=evil+young+witch&simid=608038926634584550&selectedIndex=254 [/url] Her eyes turn red when she is possessed by Camazotz Personality: Bethany is the kind of villain who prefers to take charge. She's always in the thick of every fight, and volunteers for the riskiest parts of missions. Anyone who isn't willing to prove themselves is going to get left in the dust. Bio: Bethany hails from a long line of evil witches. At the age of thirteen, as per tradition, she bound herself to a demon, choosing Camazotz, Count of Wrath as her partner. She's now starting at Blackwood to further her education in villainy. Major: Black Mage/Cultist Classification: Minion Powers: Telekinesis- Bethany can lift up to 250 lbs. with her mind Hellfire: Bethany can conjure the flames of Hell to burn her foes body and soul Demonic Takeover: Bethany can allow Camazotz to take over her body. In this state, she can now lift a ton with telekinesis and her Hellfire becomes stronger. However, this puts an enormous strain on her body- at present, the state can only be sustained for one minute before she needs to rest. Skills: Has a great head for numbers. Equipment: None Other: None [/hider]