[@fdeviant] [hider=I'm putting it in a hider, beware there are voltron season 8 spoilers.] well you see, i watched voltron all the way through, and while i was watching I could just tell that there were a lot of moments in the past seasons where they were hinting at bigger plot threads. For instance, Lance's whole arc was hinted at in like season 2, and it was clear that it was probably going to center around him accepting himself, and feeling like he was apart of team voltron. But instead of a meaningful arc, we never got that. Instead, immediately after that they did the whole Shiro/Kuron arc thing, and lance's whole deal was shoved into the background, and then at that point in the story we STILL hadn't found out about pidge's brother and dad. By the time they wanted to use Lance as a well developed character it was too late, because he never got that level of development like the other characters did. Hell, even Hunk got a tiny little arc, though it wasn't a main plot point, you can tell that Hunk has grown over the course of time, and one of the main themes of his arc is family and the importance of sticking together with the ones you love. There's a reason why the Bulmera episode keeps coming back up everytime Hunk seems to be the focus of the conflict. It was basically both the highlight of his arc and the ending of it. The whole Allurance (Allura X Lance) thing was done poorly, but could've been handled beautifully if they had just taken the time when they had it to develop Lance enough for him to be the way he is in Season 8. It kind of felt like Seasons 1-3 we get Loverboy Lance, a boy with hidden insecurities about not belonging, and then seasons 5-7 he's almost never mentioned or given proper screen time besides Keith telling him to get to his lion, or him talking battle plans with the others. It's been ages since we've even heard Lance make a joke, and the closest thing we got to Lance being how he was originally was the "Hey everybody, Keith's back!" line from season 7. And then Season 8, it feels like he's not even the same character we once knew, and a large part of that is because the writers were writing him like he went through an entire arc about aceptance when in relaity they completely lost track of time, and never got around to making it. The mangling of Lance's character arc that technically never actually happened is what killed season 8 for me. And i know a lot of people are into analysis, but I believe a good story is one where the character arcs are clear and concise. I don't WANT to have to search for quotes and screenshots that maybe prove Lance has developed as a person, I want a full blown voice acted, and animated scene where Lance talks about his issues, and the other paladins help him through them. Like they did with Pidge when she talked about Matt and her dad, or when Keith talked about Shiro back when they were both in the Garrison. [/hider]