To be honest, Evelynia would have been surprised if this Lunairan had given her information that easily. She had been expecting him to refuse. Yet, no matter how well he was hiding it, she could see past those 'steel nerves' of his and see the fright that she successfully pushed onto him. He was frightened. He had no idea why he felt that way, not knowing it was actually her making him feel that way, but either way it was working wonders. Though he wouldn't tell her anything now, things could change. They always did. The world never stayed the same for long, nor did people. Even Lunairans. He could play all tough now, but sooner or later, he would budge. Whether it be from fear, hunger, thirst, or pain. She just had to wait him out. And if not, then she would always have the pleasure of killing this Lunairan. She huffed and flopped down into one of the airplane seats once more, clearly unbothered by his sneer and his defiance, "Shame. I was actually planning on giving you some food for information. Guess I'll just keep it to myself then." She reached over and picking up a small container that sat beside her bed, she continued to sit in the chair and pop open the lid. Inside was just some peanuts. Not the best thing in the world, but a good source of protein and surely better than the food the Lunairans dealt with on that God forsaken ship of theirs. "Tell you what." She mentioned finally, after plopping a handful of the nuts into her mouth and eating them, "If you feel like ever changing your mind, for every piece of information you tell me, I'll give you either food or water. Your choice of course, depending on what you need more of." She didn't expect him to jump at her offer right now. In fact, she expected another sneer and comment. Yet, she knew sooner or later, no matter what torturous training they had, he would feel the need to save his own life, one way or another. After all, what was a few secrets to a life being saved? "Get comfortable, Lunairan. You'll be staying here for the remainder of your pathetic life."