[hider=Jun Sakuma] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/b3be44c3-1fc7-46ce-b29f-2ef7af443954/d623ds9-00fd9663-9443-480f-b034-e76630dea4b9.png[/img] He has black hair, and possesses a fairly muscular build. [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Jun Sakuma [b]Nicknames:[/b] Smog [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Birthday:[/b] 29/06 [b]Height:[/b] 175cm [b]Weight:[/b] 77kg [b]Nationality:[/b] Japanese (Zainichi Korean) [b]Personality:[/b] Jun is a stoic man with a no-nonsense attitude towards life. As far as he’s concerned, there’s only one good way to live your life, and that’s by being honest and hardworking. It doesn’t matter if you’re desperately poor or amazingly affluent, as long as you meet his basic criteria, you’re good in his books. Otherwise, prepare to be treated with disdain if he considers you a liar or a leech. A man of few words, Jun prefers to express himself as simply as humanly possible. You won’t find him waxing poetic about the nature of the universe or contemplating the dichotomy of good and evil. Jun reckons if there’s something worth saying, it’s worth saying in as short a time as possible. [b]Biography:[/b] Born to a Zanichi Korean family of a povertous disposition, Jun was exposed to a life of stress and worry from an early age. His parents spent a lot of time working, and when they weren’t working they were arranging life around the house to facilitate the next day or work/school. Jun had next to no free time, and so he developed a lifeview that revolved around work, work and more work. If you weren’t working, you were doing something wrong, as far as he was concerned. Even when he managed to find time for himself, he would usually be shoehorned into some form of work by his parents. Due to their high stress environment, his parents were huge smokers, and their house always reeked of tobacco. Jun almost relished being out the house, given how nasty the place smelled. Unknown to Jun at the time, his parents were always thinking of his future. They didn’t want him to go on to be just another low paid worker like them, so they were always thinking of where they could usher him in order to escape this life. They discovered the Power Curriculum Program through a family friend, and decided it provided a decent avenue for Jun to get ahead. When he was first sent away to Academy City, Jun really didn’t enjoy the transition, although not for the reasons one might think. The fact that he was provided money through the program meant he did not need to do a great deal to sustain himself, nor was he subjected to the high stress environment of his old home life. Instead of finding this comforting, it just made Jun restless. He felt like he needed to do more than just participate in studies. This was when he got involved in Judgement. It seemed to him like the perfect outlet for his excess energy, and his straight-laced demeanour fit in well with a semi-law enforcement style organisation. Jun has been a fixture in Academy City and Judgement for some time now. He has a reputation as something of a hardass and a stickler for the rules, but anybody in Judgement knows they can rely on him to do a good job. [b]School:[/b] Nagakute University [b]Grade:[/b] 2nd Year University Student [b]Skills:[/b] [i]-Athletics:[/i] Jun works out every day and pushes himself as far as he can. His primary focuses are on strength and long-term endurance. [i]-Multitasking:[/i] Jun is used to working under pressure and doing a great deal all at once. If he ever finds himself with little to do, he’s likely to try and find something to occupy him if only for the sake of it. Multitasking is practically his natural state. [b]Faction(s):[/b] Judgement [u][b]ESPer:[/b][/u] [b]Ability name:[/b] Monoxokinesis [b]Level:[/b] 4 [b]Premise:[/b] The ability to manipulate Carbon Monoxide in a similar fashion to other “-kinesis” style powers. [b]Description:[/b] This power involves manipulating the basic elements of carbon monoxide to increase its velocity and/or density in a specific area. Using this ability, one can incite a powerful gush of gaseous vapours to knock down an opponent or concentrate a cloud of it around a specific person. [/hider]