[@TheWindel] [@KoL] Here's Biri's replacement as the new girl: [hider=Honoka Takahide][b][color=tomato]• Appearance:[/color][/b] [hider=Regular appearance][IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/2czes78.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [hider=Magical girl appearance][IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/5ed9vp.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b][color=tomato]• Name:[/color][/b] Honoka Takahide [b][color=tomato]• Title:[/color][/b] Allegra [b][color=tomato]• Age:[/color][/b] 15 [b][color=tomato]• Emblem:[/color][/b] A small quaver-shaped stud earring of blue hematite. [b][color=tomato]• Divine Arm:[/color][/b] A guitar through which she channels her magic, whether by playing tunes to activate techniques, or by using it like a gun, firing plectrum-shaped energy bullets from the headstock. [b][color=tomato]• Magic:[/color][/b] Honoka cleanses away negativity with her rousing and upbeat music. - [u]Power Chord / Power Riff:[/u] Anyone of the darkness, whether a Nightmare or a dark magical girl, experiences a damaging shock upon hearing Allegra's magically amplified song. She can do this in short sharp bursts, or by sustaining a melody, although the latter is more taxing on her than the former. Singing as she plays boosts the effect. - [u]Reverb:[/u] One application of her song is to make the effects of certain energy based attacks from the past few minutes repeat themselves, by playing at the moment of attack, then replaying the note. For example, an ally's detonated explosive will reappear and go off under a Nightmare's feet. Memorising where the attack happened is essential, as is timing, as being off by even a split second could cause the attack to miss, or to hit an ally. - [u]Overdrive:[/u] If she plays a certain tune at the exact moment an ally attacks, that move gets a boost. - [u]Distortion:[/u] Whereas Overdrive increases a move's raw power, by drawing on her magic differently while playing, Allegra can grant certain moves by allies finesse, as in gain control over the attack. She can make a flurry of projectiles all zero in on the same opponent, or cause an attack that missed to loop around and strike its target. [b][color=tomato]• Background:[/color][/b] Throughout her life, Honoka always looked up to her many siblings, all of whom excelled at something. Her eldest brother was praised for his technological brilliance, planning to become an engineer. The second of her older brothers had considerable literary and language skills, writing up articles and essays with ease. Her older sister turned out a whiz with computers. As much as Honoka longed and tried to be like them, she couldn't figure out what she was good at. Her grades, while not terrible, were nothing outstanding either. Her parents reassured her she'd figure out her talent, but she knew they had their doubts. One day while staying with her aunt, she asked if she could try playing the old acoustic guitar she kept around. Her aunt agreed to teach her, and while Honoka's first attempts were clumsy, she learned quickly over the course of her visits. Maybe this was where her skill lay, she realised, in music. On her thirteenth birthday, her aunt gave her a guitar of her own as a gift, encouraging her to nurture her talent. Her parents were disappointed that it wasn't anything academic she was good at, but as far as Honoka was concerned, it didn't matter as long as she could make people happy. At least, that was what she told herself, still unable to shake the feeling that she couldn't contribute to society in the same way as her siblings... Until somebody gave her another way to spread happiness. That somebody was a most unusual cat, with a TV where its head should have been, and the ability to grant young girls the power to fight beings of darkness. Honoka took up the offer right away. Now able to use her song to cleanse away Nightmares and restore peace, so far she hasn't looked back. Of course, it's still early days... [b][color=tomato]• Inventory:[/color][/b] Sometimes carries around an ordinary guitar for street busking. [b][color=tomato]• Sample Post:[/color][/b] [hider=Uptempo] A smile felt more like success than any number of coins dropped in the case. "Here's a little Christmas spending money," the woman said, straightening her back. "Keep spreading that good cheer!" Grinning and thanking her while strumming out that fast-paced rhythm, Honoka noticed something. A look of emptiness in the woman's eyes, a forced quality to her voice. Before she could ask what was wrong, the listener had wished her luck and continued along her way. [i]Hopefully this will help at least a little,[/i] Honoka thought, resuming singing as she launched into the refrain. It wasn't exactly the easiest time of year to play, her fingers stiff from the cold, but it didn't matter if she missed a few notes as long as she got that passion across. The important thing was making people happy. Which she dedicated not just her days to, but her nights, lifting people's spirits with her song even when they couldn't hear it. At the blast of soundwaves through the late evening air, the cluster of Nightmares writhed. [color=tomato]"Hey! Pick a fair fight, will you?"[/color] Allegra called, one moment charging at them, the next reeling at the sheer number that broke away from their target and advanced on her. The mascot had never told her there'd be this many around. How on earth would she get the hang of this? All she could do was what she always did. Try her best. Another progression of power chords sent them stumbling back. Allegra seized the opportunity, pointing the guitar at each stunned Nightmare and unleashing her magic through it. Flatpick bullets evaporated predators into wisps of darkness, one by one. [color=tomato]"This brightening the mood?"[/color] she shouted, trying to mask her fear. [color=tomato]"Waaugh!"[/color] Turning too fast, she stumbled, only missing a strike from a tendril through sheer luck. With the horde diminshed, Allegra glimpsed a face, caught some of the conversation. "Y-You'd think I'd be able to take it in by now..." the woman from earlier said, voice trembling, to a man with his arm around her shoulders. Steadying herself, the magical girl shot through a Nightmare that tried to gain strength from the woman's energy. "It's... It's just, Mom was always so healthy, how could this happen to someone like her..." the passer-by continued. "There I was, hoping she'd at least make it to Christmas..." Allegra's eyes widened. She could only begin to imagine the utter devastation this person's loss had brought. Determined to do all she could to help even a little, she started up a melody, pouring as much positive feeling as she could into it. The remaining creatures squirmed, their inky forms dissipating. [color=tomato]"Whew..."[/color] As the magical girl sagged from relief and exhaution, the man spoke up to his wife. "Let's make sure to support the rest of the family, ok? Like she'd want." He pulled her close, and Allegra saw the faintest of smiles light her face. A bittersweet smile, but a sign of hope nonetheless. The light girl's heart warmed as she watched the couple walk into the distance, safe from harm. This was the great thing about music. Even in the darkest of times, it could help people hold on.[/hider] [b][color=tomato]• Other:[/color][/b] As a new magical girl, she only knows how to use her plectrum bullets and her Power Chord / Power Riff techniques, her other abilities are to be learned later on.[/hider]