[@LeeRoy] [hider=i'm putting it in a hider because i've learned my lesson about spoilers.] well representation is important to some people, especially folks like me who don't normally see themselves being represented in cartoons and media. I know it may seem like im just fixated on the gay aspect of it, but I'm not honestly. It just kind of irked me when I finished watching the show. The show itself could've been really great, I mean all they had to do was dedicate like three episodes to certain characters and they would've been set for the finale But i'm mostly just dissapointed that dreamworks interfered with the writing they way they did, because they really hindered the story. Sure, relationships in cartoons and shows don't really matter to the plot, you're right. And I actually would've been a lot happier if no one had ended up together in the end. Like, maybe have a whole "Friendship is Magic" kind of ending, that would've worked perfectly. And with the way they were writing the characters anyway, it probably would've worked a lot better. Maybe they could've just done what a bunch of other cartoons in the 90s did with their representation, and just made it open interpretation for the viewers at home. As a gay person, the wedding at the end was just kind of a sucker punch to the gut for me, because it was just a band aid they put on themselves to cover for the whole "we're not queerbaiting, see???" debacle. Kind of like they didn't really care about it to begin with which is probably the truth. I think if a show doesn't want to have gay people in it, but the fans clamor for it like voltron did, than they should stay far awar from it because they're just gonna fuck it all up, and the result is gonna be rushed and shitty. But if they plan this, and they want a gay relationship in their show than they really ought to at least TRY. I mean, if they can give all the other straight relationships date episodes, then why can't they do it with gay relationships? Its really not hard, and shows like steven universe and She-ra have proven that fact immensely. relationships don't have to be in cartoons, but we put them in there anyway because it adds drama and tension, and it's also a great way to tell a story from someone else's perspective. Romance is perfect if you want to convey a story about humble beginnings, or if you wanna tell a story about over coming obstacles. Its perfect and easy for just about telling ANY story, the only reason we have horrible love stories like Voltron is because the people writing them don't know how to write romance to begin with, which was the problem. [/hider]