[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bMfONoh.png[/img][/center] [hr] Alright, this was getting annoying. The same wave of forced fear from before had swept over Houki like a storm breaching through. No doubt it was the Hag’s Quirk, a deduction that would have served Houki well before engaging in her. But no, here she was, forced to feel her mind being overridden yet again by the same aura of hopelessness and despair. Well, as much as forced emotion could give. At the bottom of it all, there was instead the inverse of what the Hag imparted upon her. Even as her body reacted on its own, Houki observed the scene with more frustration than anything else. She rather disliked having her movements controlled without her regard. She disliked the Hag reaching her even more, eyes twitching behind her glasses even as sweat trickled from both the heat of the environment and her own heart slamming into her chest. The desire to burn a hole through this villain was becoming increasingly more bearable…. Unfortunately, before such dark thoughts could escape to the open, something else forcibly took over her body. [color=ba2259]“Now what,”[/color] she grumbled softly, hearing a terrible, horrible singing voice rumbling in her ears. It sounded distinctly like Kaito but surely no one person could sing [i]that[/i] badly, could they? But be it by choice or chance, the screeching was doing wonders for her head. Her focus was, surprisingly, coming back together with her mind purged of the fear-torn thoughts of before. That meant all that earlier frustration was bubbling up again and she turned a red-eyed glare back at the Hag. [color=ba2259]“You’re terrible at your job,”[/color] was all she said before working to unleash another set of beams. And this time, she didn’t bother to hold back because frankly, this entire test of sorts had very nearly singed the last of her patience. More aggression meant more power after all and Houki fired off without care once again right at the Hag. Whether her comment was directed towards the Hag, Kaito, or anyone else was beyond reasoning to care for. [center][b][Shooting the Hag vehemently.][/b][/center] [hr]