[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZG8pths.png[/img] [b][The Ottoman Empire Team][/b]- [i]Akshamsaddin with Caster - Archer with Rider[/i][/center] [@The Irish Tree] [i]But, Aksha, I must know: What do you propose in exchange?[/i] Aksha was silent for a moment, and stood. He took a step towards a chest, that lay in the corner of the makeshift room. Hundreds of locks must have adorned it, but he brushed a finger against each, and they all unlatched. [color=f7941d]"What is your wish for the grail?"[/color] He said, as if that was an answer. [color=f7941d]"Is it life once more? Is it simple curiosity?"[/color] He pulled from the depths, something old. A book, it seemed at first glance. "This is called the Avestan. It is a collection of words and wisdom that go back to the age of Zoroaster." He let that sink in. Zoroaster. The inventor of magic. A man who enslaved the stars. A man who left the earth of his own accords. [color=f7941d]"Naturally, the Avestan has been translated many times, but... Only in it's current versions. This version was written in the original language of Zoroaster. It contains knowledge that he himself put onto stone."[/color] He book was certainly old, but not from a time so long ago. [color=f7941d]"I traveled to his hometown, and uncovered the originals written into stone. This is a direct copy of his works. I cannot translate the language myself, but you... Who have access to the throne of Heroes, can."[/color] He placed it down on the ground between them, once more returning to a seated position. [color=f7941d]"The words of Zoroaster can undo death, and change destiny. That is what his people believed. There is no doubt, that it contains the knowledge you seek, not just for the sake of knowledge, but a means to incarnate yourself. A true, incarnation. A living body. Even if you lose the Grail war, whatever your wish is, I suspect that Zoroaster himself holds that knowledge. I will give you this book, after we have defeated the Greys."[/color] With that said... ______________________________________________________________________________________ [@King Cosmos] [color=ed1c24]"That may be the case. It could be simple. But even if it is... I do not trust men like that."[/color] Archer stood, brushing off his robes, and focusing on the distance. [color=ed1c24]"Rider, even if we are enemies in the end, I wish to fight alongside you, as an ally. If we win the war, it will turn to squabbling. I want you to be my final foe. Do you understand that? Survive the war, and when we are the last two, fight me. Fight me with that force you possess! And give me a challenge worthy of the greatest heroes in history!"[/color] A deceleration made. A challenge made. Perhaps it would be a special war for them both. ______________________________________________________________________________________ [@vancexentan] The scene changed. Time had passed from that meeting, and Aksha stood alongside Father Howard, looking into the distance. [color=f7941d]"If we are to move into the forest, we should send the Knight Class servants in first. They possess magic resistance. It is a skill that should protect them from whatever magical traps may lay ahead."[/color] He said, with Archer nodding in agreement. [color=f7941d]"Well, except for Archer. He is best at a range."[/color]