Rhylaen was pleased to see the unknown one sitting up. He moved slowly, and still seemed wary, but it was a start. He seemed weighed down, lost. She'd been the same shortly after her arrival, with so many strange things around her and no good way to communicate. She ventured a couple steps closer, then knelt on the floor near the old oatmeal. She left that be -- it looked quite stale -- and instead picked up the tin cup of water. She had no way to say what she wanted, save through actions. He needed to eat. So she drank some of the water herself, enough for the cup to be visibly emptier, then set it on the ground in front of her and pushed it towards the unknown one. The cup scraped as she moved it across the floor, a harsh sound, but she didn't pull back until she'd left it within what she judged to be arm's reach. Then Rhylaen sat up again and waited. If he copied her, she'd have Agent-Day bring something to eat.