[center][h2][color=a187be]Zahra Mazghuuri[/color][/h2] [hr][/center] Zahra entered the cafe, taking in the nostalgic aroma. She smiled a smile visible through her eyes at the young barista for his mention of religious dietary restriction accommodations. Though camel sounded like quite the treat, it was a rich, heavy meat that Zahra felt was not ideal before a battle. She instead ordered some chai and an omelette. She sat down at a table that soon became a large table as the big man who had suggested the bar started sliding them together. She drank slowly and methodically, using her left hand to prop up her face veil while she sipped her tea, holding the cup with her right hand. When eating, she used her left hand to unclasp one corner of her face veil, and using her fork with her right, lifted cut pieces of omelette to her mouth, turning the opened side of the veil away from any of the men, before re-clasping the veil to chew. She smiled as Joey talked about the local politics, and was glad to see how instead of seeing everyone as foreigners, he saw them as 'potential future citizens'. Sadly, Zahra would not be staying after the battle, since she was only a representative from Al-Amir. She heard someone ask about ranged combat and responded, [color=a187be]"I specialize in drones. While the drones may themselves be short-to-medium range, they can operate at long-range from my NC. I can also carry out emergency repairs through my drones, but they won't be as good as a specialized repair unit. Otherwise, coordinating hit-and-run defenses is my specialty, since I have eyes in the sky. The name's Hafidh Zahra Mazghuuri. Hafidh is just a title, though. If you want to be formal, you can call me Hafidh, if you want to be casual, you can call me Zahra. I was sent by Al-Amir to aid Haven in its independence. If we win, remember that Al-Amir helped, though this is really a point I should emphasize to the General Commander."[/color] She was glad to see the team getting to know one another, with a bit of socializing mixed in with a bit of getting to know one anothers' combat capabilities. Zahra chuckled at Terra's curiosity of Cody's mask, but decided not to join in the teasing. Besides, everyone had their reasons for wearing masks. [color=a187be]"I also usually eat in private, for me, it's out of a sense of modesty."[/color] However, as Terra and Kxeyun continued to converse, Zahra noticed Kxeyun losing composure. It was sad to see that Haven's defense relied on such desperate, broken individuals, but such was the nature of NC combat. Interfacing with a machine was not something 'natural' for the human mind. And then there was Terra, who had clearly explained the monstrosity of her own existence. Though Terra seemed able to keep her composure, Zahra was as worried for Terra as she was for Kxeyun. For now, Zahra reached over and put a hand on Kxeyun's. [color=a187be]"Do not push yourself out there, child. Yes, Haven is depending on you to defend her, but out there, we are all depending on each other to survive. So as much as we depend on you, you must depend on us. You don't need to prove yourself, you have already been chosen. If you feel yourself coming apart, retreat and rely on someone else to fill in the gap. This burden is to be shared."[/color] [@Sgt Vandingo] [@Andre Valias] [@Metatrooper] [@FalloutJack] [@Senhara]