When Chelsea mentioned Isaac, even turning toward him where he sat to clarify. Alexei beamed pleasantly. As he was about to comment, a veiled pilot, a Muslim woman Alexei remembered seeing at the briefing, spoke. She mentioned her autonomous drones, and introduced herself as Hafidh Zahra Mazghuuri, Hafidh formally and Zahra casually, sent as a representative of Al-Amir. Alexei nodded toward her with a polite smile. [B][color=ed1c24]"Pleased to meet you, madame. I'm Alexei d'Vexille. I'll be sure to remember your drones for the coming battle."[/color][/B] He introduced himself with a slight courteous bow toward Zahra. Alexei then returned his attention to Chelsea, or more so Isaac. [b][color=ed1c24]"And I met monsieur LaBelle earlier. How fortunate."[/color][/b] He remarked as he looked to Isaac. [B][color=ed1c24]"I asked only because I thought about when we were briefed about Osamu-- I got concerned about Vectis being taken control of."[/color][/B] He explained. [b][color=ed1c24]"So my only question is, are you good enough of a shot to disable instead of kill?"[/color][/b] Alexei knew he was asking a lot, but he sure hoped Isaac would be capable of stopping Vectis from inflicting friendly fire. [color=ed1c24][B][I]Of course, if it is unavoidable, I understand.[/I][/B][/color] After that, he noticed a newcomer whom Chelsea had complimented on the rosary on her hand. She introduced herself to Chelsea as Maria Leonora Trillanes; Len for short. Alexei smiled as the two conversed, happily listening and sipping his mocha as they did so. [@Scribe of Thoth] [@Landaus Five-One] [@Stern Algorithm]