[color=0072bc][h3]Ardur The Pixie[/h3][/color] [color=92278f] Making Friends //// Another glorious day /// Adventuring day 4 // Morning / Location - cave entrance > forest [/color] It seemed that crispy wasn’t taking the bait or hints. Honestly, Ardur had to remind himself that this was a different place and the concepts and principles he was used too wouldn’t work here. One thing is for sure, even if they were not being openly hostile towards each other they shouldn’t be trusted or underestimated. These goblins have proven just how troublesome they can be when they have good leadership and a good crafter. But it would seem that whatever they had said had at least gotten something through to the older goblin. Crispy pointed at the opposite side of the cave entrance and stormed off basically saying they had a truce for now but otherwise were still separated. Ardur didn’t waste too much time waiting for ash or anyone else that came with her. Simply waving and picking up Steve to find a place to sleep near the top of the cave entrance. It didn’t take very long to find a small shelf with an over hinge above it. The formation looked natural and was just big enough that he could lay down under the overhang and not worry about getting rained on. He was sure hypothermia was still relevant in this world after all. Setting the spider down, the shelf was covered with some moss and grass. For more than a moment the pixie stood their unmoving and breathing deep. Getting a feel for the cool breeze, digging his toes into the soil, breathing in the fresh air, and getting a good idea at what was normal for scents of the forest and outside world. This place reminded him of home, at least more so than the cave. Fourteen days by his count. Fourteen days of being alive and away from Sarah. The thought of his former love brought him back to reality and what he must do. Even now in his tired and drained state he knew he had a few more things to do before he could sleep. Steve was nearby, she was hesitant about the grass and seemed a little more cautious now that they were a bit farther out into the open. “[color=92278f]Steve.[/color]” Ardur quietly said to his friend, “[color=92278f]cast some webs along the top of the cave, maybe we might get lucky and catch a few grubs in the night.[/color]” Although hesitant at first the spider slowly skittered off towards the mouth of the cave. It was nice that she seemed to understand his commands. Still, he had his own work to do. Slowly he began to work his way across the rocky, moss and grass covered exterior cave entrance to spy on the goblins. Ardur crept slowly towards the goblins stopping here and there to stick some grass blades or moss into his spider silk harness. This was the least he could do to try and conceal himself. He wasn’t really trying to hear the goblins this time as he figured that most of their idle chatter was nearly useless. However, the pixie was trying to get a better look at what they had scavenged and how their equipment was put together. Creeping close enough to make out what was going on as he crawled on all fours across the rocks. Ardur was eventually able to make out a few things the goblins where eating. Big grubs, strange beetles, blue colored berries, some roots, a few small plants that could be some sort of onion possibly, and small lizards. At least Ardur now knew that most of these things he was looking at where edible. If the goblins could eat it so could he, or at least he figured? Then came to inspecting their weapons the best he could. From the dim light and distance he was at, Ardur could make out some sort of lashing keeping some of the shields and spears together. It looked rather fibrous, perhaps a type of grass or wood maybe. Some of the spears and clubs looked rather rudimentary with at the very best fire hardened tips. There wasn’t much else to be learned from them at this time. He couldn’t help but notice that he couldn’t see Crispy or Orchid nearby. Figuring they were off doing whatever it was that goblins do, the pixie slowly backed out of the area and back towards his little nook. Ardur found that Steve hadn’t returned just yet from her task when he got back to their little space. The goblins that he could see from his vantage point seemed to be calming down. The pixie found himself sitting down on the edge of the small crevice slowly going over a few memories he still cherished. This time it was when he and his partner would have long shifts in the ambulance. Listening to music to them was a way to cope and deal with the stress of their jobs. They would just sit there and listen for hours either driving or just hanging out at the station. One of their favorites slowly started to drift into his mind, and again Ardur found himself trying to conjure up some of his remaining mana to sing once more. Hopefully this would help the others sleep who maybe hadn’t heard any music for the last few weeks. [hider=Sound of silence by disturbed] “Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence In restless dreams I walked alone Narrow streets of cobblestone 'Neath the halo of a street lamp I turned my collar to the cold and damp When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light That split the night And touched the sound of silence And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more People talking without speaking People hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never share And no one dared Disturb the sound of silence Fools, said I, you do not know Silence like a cancer grows Hear my words that I might teach you Take my arms that I might reach you But my words, like silent raindrops fell And echoed in the wells of silence And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made And the sign flashed out its warning In the words that it was forming And the sign said, the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls And tenement halls And whispered in the sounds of silence.” [/hider] Shortly after he finished singing Steve made her way back. She looked like she was more than a little wore out. He couldn’t help but smile at his friend before crawling under the small lip. Petting his friend briefly before falling asleep. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It was strange. For whatever reason his dreams where always strange here. Bits and pieces of what they had gone through but what he held onto and hoped for the most was seeing her face. Hearing the love of his former life’s voice echo through his mind. However, he knew he couldn’t linger on these thoughts. He was sore from the past day and now he was thirsty and hungry, as was Steve. Ardur stood from his cold bed taking in the sights and sounds of the morning forest for a moment. He noticed it had rained slightly through the night but figured he just slept through it. The moss he was standing on seemed to be retaining plenty of water by how moist it felt. Picking up some of it and squeezing out some of the moisture into his mouth. It helped to stifle some of his thirst but he was still hungry. “[color=92278f]Steve, go check your traps im going to try and find some food. Stick around the area and see what you can find just be wary of the goblins.[/color]” The spider seemed to acknowledge his words before slowly scuttling off. Ardur stood on the ledge once more and sighed, “[color=92278f]Praise the sun[/color]” he said with a smile enjoying the momentary warmth. Then after one more breath the pixie stepped off his platform and flew off into the forest to look for food. Of course he wouldn’t stray too far, he was simply looking for the same foods the goblins brought back the night before. This also gave him a chance to explore while still proceeding with caution so that he may have less of a chance to be caught off guard. [@Zeroth] [@Lucius Cypher] [@Rune_Alchemist] [hider=Ardur's character stats] [b]Level:[/b] 4 [b]Health:[/b] Full [b]Mana:[/b] Full [b]Stamina:[/b] Full [b]Inventory:[/b] N/A [b]Clothes:[/b] Spider silk clothing with grass and moss stuck in. [b]Weapons:[/b] N/A [b]Magic/Skills:[/b] Shield II, Lesser Flight III, Minor Heal III, Physical Conditioning I, Fire Resistance I, Taming I, Fireball I, Stronger I [b]Kills for current level:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]