[h2]Berserker[/h2] “Uh… what are you--” Atalanta had to restrain herself from clawing Caster after being surprised by the blonde’s over enthusiastic hug. Before she had any chance to ask what the other Servant meant by fighting her, or even the identity of her sudden admirer, their Master allowed her to lead the way to Fenrir’s hideout. “You owe me an explanation once we are done,” the feral Berserker said to Caster before they departed. [center]X X X[/center] Atlanta summoned the Calydonian Boar’s pelt as soon as they reached the beast’s lair. “The scent of corruption is stronger here than anywhere else. The source of this whole incident must be right up ahead,” she said as they threaded the darkened ice halls. It wouldn’t be long before the unavoidable battle broke loose. Atalanta charged forth as soon as Caster’s spells created an opening in Fenrir’s ice wall. Thanks to her Crossing Arcadia skills, she was able to weave unimpeded through incoming mass of shadow beings and the attacks of Archer and the Valkyries, reaching the other side in the blink of an eye. “LANCER GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!” Atalanta howled as she kicked a couple of Fenrir’s summons into the pool of black mud and used them as stepping stones to reach Brynhildr. She tried to pull the other Servant out of there in a last attempt to avoid killing the Elder Valkyrie, however, if turned out that Brynhildr was truly beyond salvation, Atalanta didn’t have any qualms about ending her suffering then and there. [h2]Lancer[/h2] “Ehh!?” Elizabeth was caught by surprise when the battle began. It wasn’t as if she didn’t knew what was about to happen but rather that the events that unfolded would be so… chaotic. However, nothing made the pink-haired Lancer more flabbergasted than the last individual that showed up. “A fairy? What is someone of your kind doing here?” Elizabeth asked before the incoming horde forced her attention off of the newcomer. “You guys really don’t know when to stop, do you? Very well, then. The next performance is sure to send shivers up your spine!” After saying her piece, Elizabeth stabbed her spear on the cavern floor and took a deep breath before letting out her melodic voice raising up the pitch until she found a frequency that resonated with the countless icicles littering the ceiling causing them to precipitate over the incoming enemies as a jagged rain of icy death.