[h2]Honda Ami[/h2] Fast... they were both [i]so fast[/i]. Until now she hadn't really gotten how big the gap between a Servant and an ordinary human was, but... if she hadn't been concentrating, or if this had been just a few days ago, Ami wasn't sure that she would have even been able to follow what was going on in [i]any[/i] capacity--just heard the constant sound of steel ringing on steel. As it was, this only made Assassin's speed all the more impressive, to be able to move like that. How had someone like that been born in the Shogunate? Suddenly, standing at the bench didn't seem far enough back for safety--perhaps, yes. She'd jump back a bit, and up, and [i]not[/i] lose her balance no matter how giddy she felt about being able to pull off something like that now when she'd always thought it impossible. But here, from atop a lamppost, it was probably a bit harder for the other Servant to gut her.