[center][h2]The Timeline Has Re-Merged[/h2] [h1][color=purple]𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕆𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕𝕝𝕪 ℂ𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕟[/color][/h1] [h2][color=red]Day 10[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [h3]Orchid and Goblins[/h3] [quote=System:Orchid] You used Crafting IV! You are attempting to make Fiber Cord! Bark Fiber (Bad) + Bark Fiber (Average) You have used these materials before. You have crafted this type of item before. Your crafting methods are more efficient compared to your materials. Your Crafting level has increased since the last time you created this item. The quality of your item has been greatly improved! Average > Good > Well-Made! You created Fiber Cord (Well Made)! --- You used Crafting IV! You are attempting to make Fiber Cord! Bark Fiber (Bad) + Bark Fiber (Bad) You have used these materials before. You have crafted this type of item before. Your crafting methods are more efficient compared to your materials. Your Crafting level has increased since the last time you created this item. The quality of your item has been greatly improved! Bad > Average > Above-Average! You created Fiber Cord (Above Average)! You are Fully Rested. You are Well-Fed. Your throat is Dry. [/quote] When Orchid went to sleep at mid-morning, Bigs and Wej were left to sit up on first watch. The goblins had all eaten well, and unbeknownst to the others the two watchgobs would trade off with each other on their own--or just plain get lazy--dozing under the shadows of the trees and within the light of the fire. The benefit of this, however, was that their watch went on longer; by the time Clod and Sqwal took their shift, it was already dark. They were more serious about their duties, but Clod might have disturbed some of the others--at one point, Orchid might have stirred at the sound of him slamming the rocks he had gathered against one another, or rubbing them against the trees to test their sharpness. Around midnight, Orchid and Jezee took their posts. Working in the dark, and with dry, dead wood that had been gathered from the forest floor rather than cut fresh from the trees, it took Orchid about an hour and a half to strip enough bark that she could make cordage. Even then, the inner fiber was of poor quality for the most part, and kept breaking or fraying. But she was the goblin with the most skill at crafting, and she had made rope a few times before at this point. By the end of her watch session, she had made about 4 feet of well-made cordage. Crispy's minions took over in the wee hours of the morning; if Orchid had to guess, by the position of the moon, probably around three o'clock. She got a few more hours of sleep, but having relaxed herself by crafting and resting she felt wide awake and ready to go by the time the first blue mists began to rise from the dewy grass. While waiting for some of the others to stir, she managed to make another two-and-a-half feet of rope--her materials were worse this time, but again the ultimate result wasn't too terrible. Combined with her (Average) Fiber Cord in her inventory, she now had a total of about 8 feet of cord, albeit in three separate pieces. The other goblins were soon beginning to stir as well, especially once Clod got up and started banging rocks together again. He had filled his Wicker Shield with them the day before...but these didn't look like the rocks from the cave. He and Jezee had been the last ones to come back, so maybe he had gone further from the cave than the others? Perhaps to the north or the west, where they could see rising slopes in the distance? Of the eight rocks he had started with, two of them had been bigger than the goblin's own head. One of them was about the size of a big fruit, more than enough to fill two hands. Four of them were at least the size of a goblin's fist or so, and the last was about the same size as the usual rocks the goblins used for their weaponry--big enough to put a sharp edge on, but not much else. However, thanks to Clod's own efforts--perhaps his own attempts at crafting--these original eight rocks had been broken down. Though Orchid wouldn't know it for sure since she had been asleep, the most reasonable assumption based on the look of the rocks probably went like this: Clod probably sat one of the head-sized stones on the ground, and hit it with the other head-sized stone. One of the two had broken in half. The one that hadn't broken, therefore the stronger, had been placed on the ground next and struck with the others in various orders of experimentation. The fruit sized one had also broken into two uneven pieces, one small and one fist-sized, but the stronger head-stone had only been chipped in one place. One of the fist sized stones had crumbled completely, apparently too flimsy in its compound of dirt, silicates, and whatever else that formed it. Again, the head-stone had only chipped. Another fist-sized stone had been broken as well, but the part that chipped off was too splintery to be used for anything. It did, however, leave that particular stone very sharp. The other two fist-stones hadn't broken or cracked, but succeeded in further shaping the head-stone. The stone that was barely big enough for an edge hadn't been used to smash the head-stone, but instead to scrape against it from various angles. Both had become sharper and their surfaces smoother. Once again the two head-stones, or the one stone and its brother, now broken in two, were tested against each other. The two halves did not break further, and the first only chipped a little bit more along a fracture point Clod had already created, sharpening it even further. Unlike the Sharp Rocks Orchid had used for spear-points, or that Crispy had turned into knives, this piece of stone could easily be used as a primitive hand axe. But Clod wasn't done with it just yet. After waking up for the second time, watching Orchid make her cordage for a few moments, he went back to it. He took the fruit-sized stone's fragments and examined them. Laying the sharp one off to the side for now, he took the fist-sized remainder and once again smashed it against a fracture point on his sharpened head-stone. Nothing really broke off of the bigger rock, but it had been knapped, or smoothed out. Then the two fist-stones that hadn't broken at all were used. Slowly the sharpened head-stone took on a more refined shape. By this point the sharpened side looked positively deadly for a stone-age weapon, and the dull side had been chiseled down and smoothed out enough that the rock could be considered somewhat "flattened." Clod apparently seemed happy with it, and now turned to the two halves of the other head-stone. Each half was roughly the same length as his sharpened piece, but only one side of them had broken smooth and the rest was still lumpy and unformed. He went to work on these with his harder pair of stones just as Orchid was finishing her last piece of rope. "OI, WHO MAKIN' DAT RACKET?!" The whole camp buzzed to life as Crispy woke up. He hadn't taken a single watch the entire night, so had to have slept better than the rest of them, but now that he was awake he acted as if they had disturbed him all night. He glared at Clod, who bashfully hid his rocks behind his back, then got up and began stomping around. He berated his minions for letting the light rain the previous night dull his fire down to smoldering embers (the goblins were dry enough, having stayed under the trees or close to the overhang of the cave entrance), and then snapped at Sqwal for having allowed his torch to go out after his watch. "Jezee, Bigs, Wej! Go find more food!" he ordered, and the three scrambled to obey. Finally sitting down to poke the fire back to life, he looked over at Orchid. "Yas have any more o' dose weird dreams?" he asked her. "Meant to tells ya bout dat too. My Mudda had dreams, ya knows?" Orchid might notice that the rain had left the trees dripping with moisture. She wasn't all that thirsty but her mouth was dry after sleeping all night, and it would be quite easy to gather up enough water in a large leaf or something to slake her need. [hr] [h3]Ardur[/h3] As the pixie flew off into the forest all by his lonesome, he would find the sense of freedom and exhilaration he felt in the air far surpassed what he had experienced in the cave. By that same token, however, he might feel more exposed... Because he was looking for what the goblins had found--bugs, plants, and berries--he would of course have to fly closer to the forest floor. Once he was down there, he would soon find a bush with several large bunches of berries, but they weren't the same color or shape as the ones the goblins had been eating. Those had looked a lot like earth's blueberries, although less vivid in color and more oval than round. The ones Ardur looked at right now were a darker green, almost the same as the leaves of the bush they were growing from. Rather than ovals, they were perfectly round like English peas, and bunched together in shapes almost like a pomegranate that had already had all its skin peeled off to reveal the pellets inside. But there was something else for the pixie to see, too. That light rain from the previous night had been just enough to darken the dust, and in the moist soil it seemed like earthworms--or nightcrawlers, was there much of a difference?--were poking up out of the ground here and there to escape drowning through their own skins. It was still awfully early in the morning, and so far Ardur hadn't seen any dangerous animals in the forest... [hr] [h3]Asura, Momma Slime[/h3] As Asura sucked the rest of the blood from Rattleskull's torso, leaving it a dried out husk, his thirst was slaked. Blood was a liquid, and had an ample amount of water in it, but it wasn't quite the same to drink. However, for now it would do...he just might get thirsty again later. His "anatomy analysis" revealed a few interesting things to him--the bugbear's muscles, organs, and other things were structured about how one would expect for a primate. More like chimps than humans, however, his muscle fibers were longer and denser. Also, his appendix, spleen, and liver seemed larger by proportion than what would normally be found in a human--and for some reason bugbears apparently had only a single, much larger kidney. How interesting...yet mostly irrelevant. When he asked Momma Slime about her Skill Points, she showed him an image of her memory. When the blurry words came into focus and shifted into Asura's language, he would note that she had apparently put all 38 of those points into Blunt Resistance, activating it and then upgrading it all the way to Rank IV. And at (4.35), it was about a third of the way to the fifth rank as well. "Wut Skeelz do nao?" asked the blue blob. [hr] [h3]Oberon[/h3] As Oberon climbed the trees, he would find that last night's misty rain had left the branches and leaves dripping with moisture. It would be no problem to find a larger leaf and collect enough water to slake his thirst, however it might take several "cups" considering he hadn't been drinking much yesterday, and now had slept through the day and night. His hunger might be another matter, as his rumbling stomach reminded him. At the top of the tree, as he peered out across the land, he had a much better view than any of the Reincarnators thus far at the world they had been dropped into. Though he couldn't see forever, he soon began to form a mental [url=https://i.imgur.com/0TOQrZJ.png]map[/url] of the cave's surroundings. If only he had better eyes, or a magnifying glass, he might be able to [u]zoom in[/u] to see details better. To the north, and to the west, the slopes and hills that formed the land became steeper. The Otherworldly Cavern looked to be a place that had formed between two smaller cliffs that, at some point likely in the distant past, had collapsed against one another. Layers of dirt and plantlife had coated them, turning what was likely once a steeper, tee-pee-esque triangle into a more rounded dome of sorts. Now the cave looked to be little more than a grassy knoll, wedged up against other small cliffs on a gentle slope and giving way to a grassy clearing. But those mountains to the north and to the west, they rose up higher and higher...from the treetops, Oberon could see them clearly. Tinged in blues and purples, barely outlined against the still dark sky, their peaks glittering under the starlight with what had to be snow and ice...If Oberon had ever seen the Rockies, the Andes, the Alps, or the Urals, these would be just as breathtaking. And they stretched for miles both north and and south, going on and on and on. Somewhere on those slopes, a single orange light flickered. Barely the size of a pinprick, it nonetheless pulsed like a beating heart. To the south, the edge of the forest reached out like a curling branch. But the treeline here was much thinner, and gave way more readily to the grassy clearing between itself and the cave's entrance. Oberon still couldn't see well enough past the trees to know what lay beyond, but unless he missed his guess the land was considerably flatter in that direction. To the east, the forest's main body lay in wait. The trees were large--compared to Oberon's tiny body, they were like the largest redwoods one could imagine. They were some type of hardwood, very similar to oak or yew, though there were a few other species mixed in as well. The brush grew thick in some places, not so much in others--this forest was old enough to form a sunlight-blocking canopy in some places, but had been trimmed enough over the years that the ground wasn't barren. Had it just been goblins cutting those trees, or were other creatures--maybe humans--harvesting them? Or perhaps this area was prone to natural disasters like fire or strong winds that thinned the trees every so often? So far, Oberon couldn't see any immediately obvious sources of water. He could, however, see smoke to the east. It was thin smoke, barely visible at all if not for its whiter color against the lightening blue color of the horizon, and the darker color of the higher atmosphere. From how thin it was, it was clear that it had to be several miles away from the cave at the very least... [hr] [h3]Jason[/h3] [quote=Dungeon:Jason] [color=purple] CURRENT QUEST OBJECTIVES: +PATCH HOLES IN THE CEILING +SECURE AND INCREASE RESOURCES --NATIVE RESOURCES: HEALING HERB, MANA CRYSTAL, WATER, POISON HERB, TAINTED MANA CRYSTAL --CURRENTLY AVAILABLE NON-NATIVE RESOURCES: FIRE, WOOD, FLAME-TOUCHED MANA CRYSTAL +FEED DUNGEON CORE --ORIGINAL FEEDING METHODS: AMBIENT MANA, NEGATIVELY CHARGED SOULS --NO CURRENTLY ACCEPTED ALTERNATIVES +HASTEN DUNGEON ASSIMILATION --DESTROY OR EXPEL NON-ASSIMILATED INHABITANTS --ORGANIZE ASSIMILATED INHABITANTS DUNGEON ASSIMILATION RATE AT 7% SLIME_A HAS BEEN REGISTERED. ENTERING RESOURCE RENEWAL CYCLE. ... DUNGEON ASSIMILATION RATE AT 8% SKELEBLIN_004 HAS SPAWNED AT S-9 SEED GROWTH: 1. 0.2%...0.25%... 2. 0.1%...0.2%... 3. 0.1%...0.15%... 4. 0.15%...0.2%... 5. 0.1%...0.15%... ... DUNGEON ASSIMILATION RATE AT 9% FANGED_LIZARD_A REGISTERED RENEWING RESOURCES: MANA CRYSTAL DEPLETING MANA POOL... SEED GROWTH: 1. 0.35%...0.4%... 2. 0.25%...0.35%... 3. 0.2%...0.35%... 4. 0.25%...0.3%... 5. 0.2%...0.3%... --- DUNGEON ASSIMILATION RATE AT 10% ASSIMILATION RATE INCREASED! DUNGEON ASSIMILATION RATE AT 11.5% SKELEBLIN_005 HAS SPAWNED AT O-6 ZOMBIE_PIXIE_003 HAS SPAWNED AT G-6 MANA CRYSTAL RENEWAL AT 50% OF RECORDED BASELINE RECHARGING MANA... SEED GROWTH: 1. 0.45%...0.5%... 2. 0.4%...0.55%... 3. 0.4%...0.5%... 4. 0.35%...0.45%... 5. 0.35%...0.4%... --- DUNGEON ASSIMILATION RATE AT 13% SKELEBLIN_006 HAS SPAWNED AT H-24 GHOST_WISP_002 HAS SPAWNED AT P-16. SPAWNING ERROR. ERROR REPAIRED. SOLUTION: GHOST_WISP_002 ACTIVATED SKILL [TRANSPARENCY]. CONTINUING MANA CRYSTAL RENEWAL DEPLETING MANA... SEED GROWTH: 1. 0.6%...0.75%... 2. 0.65%...0.75%... 3. 0.55%...0.6%... 4. 0.5%...0.6%... 5. 0.5%...0.65%... DUNGEON CONSTRUCTION WILL NOW BE ALLOWED. AUTO-REPAIR CONSTRUCTION ENGAGED. ASSIGNING SKELEBLIN_004, SKELEBLIN_005, SKELEBLIN_006, GHOST_WISP_001, GHOST_WISP_002, ZOMBIE_PIXIE_001, ZOMBIE_PIXIE_002, ZOMBIE_PIXIE_003. --- DUNGEON ASSIMILATION AT 14.5% DIRE_RAT_B REGISTERED. MANA CRYSTAL RENEWAL COMPLETE. MANA CRYSTAL BASELINE RESTORED. RECHARGING MANA... SEED GROWTH: 1. 0.8%...0.9%... 2. 0.85%...0.9%... 3. 0.65%...0.75%... 4. 0.7%...0.8%... 5. 0.75%...0.85%... AUTO-REPAIR CONSTRUCTION AT 10%. FOUND ITEMS: POISONED BONE NEEDLE X7. TOXIC BONE NEEDLE X3. ITEMS HAVE BEEN STORED IN DUNGEON CORE CHAMBER. --- DUNGEON ASSIMILATION AT 16% ASSIMILATION RATE INCREASED! DUNGEON ASSIMILATION AT 18% FANGED_LIZARD_B REGISTERED SLIME_B REGISTERED SKELEBLIN_007 SPAWNED AT N-25 PIXIE_A REGISTERED CONTINUING RESOURCE RENEWAL RENEWING HEALING HERBS DEPLETING MANA... SEEDS HAVE SPROUTED! HERB SPROUT GROWTH: 1. 1%...2%... 2. 1%...2%... 3. 1%...1.5%... 4. 1%...1.5%... 5. 1%...2%... AUTO-REPAIR CONSTRUCTION AT 23%. SKELEBLIN_007 AND PIXIE_A ADDED TO ASSIGNMENT. --- DUNGEON ASSIMILATION RATE AT 20% ASSIMILATION RATE INCREASED! DUNGEON ASSIMILATION AT 22.5% DIRE_RAT_C REGISTERED SLIME_C REGISTERED PIXIE_B REGISTERED GHOST_WISP_003 SPAWNED AT D-17 HEALING HERB RENEWAL AT 50% OF RECORDED BASELINE RECHARGING MANA... HERB SPROUT GROWTH: 1. 3%...4%... 2. 3%...4.5%... 3. 2%...3.5%... 4. 2.5%...3.5%... 5. 3.5%...4%... AUTO-REPAIR AT 35%. ASSIGNED MONSTERS ARE OUT OF STAMINA. ENTERING STAND-BY MODE. GHOST_WISP_003 ASSIGNED TO RESOURCE RENEWAL ASSISTANCE. NEW HERB SEEDS HAVE BEEN PLANTED. --- DUNGEON ASSIMILATION RATE AT 25% SKELEBLIN_008 SPAWNED AT L-27 DUNGEON CORE IS CURRENTLY OUT OF MANA. ASSIMILATION PAUSED. MANA IS BEING USED BY ASSIMILATION RATE, RESOURCE RENEWAL, MONSTER SPAWNING, AUTO-REPAIR, SYSTEM MONITORING, AND UPDATE MANAGEMENT. RECOMMENDATION: INCREASE MANA SUPPLY. RECOMMENDATION:FEED MANA CORE MORE OFTEN. NOT ENOUGH MANA TO DISPLAY SEED GROWTH. NOT ENOUGH MANA TO DISPLAY HERB SPROUT GROWTH. --- DUNGEON ASSIMILATION RATE AT 25% DUNGEON CORE IS CURRENTLY OUT OF MANA. ASSIMILATION PAUSED. MANA IS BEING USED BY ASSIMILATION RATE, RESOURCE RENEWAL, MONSTER SPAWNING, AUTO-REPAIR, SYSTEM MONITORING, AND UPDATE MANAGEMENT. RECOMMENDATION: INCREASE MANA SUPPLY. RECOMMENDATION:FEED MANA CORE MORE OFTEN. NOT ENOUGH MANA TO DISPLAY SEED GROWTH. NOT ENOUGH MANA TO DISPLAY HERB SPROUT GROWTH. --- DUNGEON ASSIMILATION RATE AT 25% DUNGEON CORE IS CURRENTLY OUT OF MANA. ASSIMILATION PAUSED. MANA IS BEING USED BY ASSIMILATION RATE, RESOURCE RENEWAL, MONSTER SPAWNING, AUTO-REPAIR, SYSTEM MONITORING, AND UPDATE MANAGEMENT. RECOMMENDATION: INCREASE MANA SUPPLY. RECOMMENDATION:FEED MANA CORE MORE OFTEN. NOT ENOUGH MANA TO DISPLAY SEED GROWTH. NOT ENOUGH MANA TO DISPLAY HERB SPROUT GROWTH. --- DUNGEON ASSIMILATION RATE AT 26% SKELEBLIN_009 SPAWNED AT M-21 DUNGEON CORE IS CURRENTLY OUT OF MANA. ASSIMILATION PAUSED. MANA IS BEING USED BY ASSIMILATION RATE, RESOURCE RENEWAL, MONSTER SPAWNING, AUTO-REPAIR, SYSTEM MONITORING, AND UPDATE MANAGEMENT. RECOMMENDATION: INCREASE MANA SUPPLY. RECOMMENDATION:FEED MANA CORE MORE OFTEN. NOT ENOUGH MANA TO DISPLAY SEED GROWTH. NOT ENOUGH MANA TO DISPLAY HERB SPROUT GROWTH. --- DUNGEON ASSIMILATION RATE AT 26% DUNGEON CORE IS CURRENTLY OUT OF MANA. ASSIMILATION PAUSED. MANA IS BEING USED BY ASSIMILATION RATE, RESOURCE RENEWAL, MONSTER SPAWNING, AUTO-REPAIR, SYSTEM MONITORING, AND UPDATE MANAGEMENT. RECOMMENDATION: INCREASE MANA SUPPLY. RECOMMENDATION:FEED MANA CORE MORE OFTEN. NOT ENOUGH MANA TO DISPLAY SEED GROWTH. NOT ENOUGH MANA TO DISPLAY HERB SPROUT GROWTH. AUTO-REPAIR CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF MANA. ASSIGNED MONSTERS WILL RETURN TO STANDARD DUNGEON PROTOCOLS. --- DUNGEON ASSIMILATION RATE AT 26% MANA DIVERTED TO RESOURCE RENEWAL. MANA IS BEING USED BY ASSIMILATION RATE, RESOURCE RENEWAL, MONSTER SPAWNING, AUTO-REPAIR, SYSTEM MONITORING, AND UPDATE MANAGEMENT. RECOMMENDATION: INCREASE MANA SUPPLY. RECOMMENDATION:FEED MANA CORE MORE OFTEN. NOT ENOUGH MANA TO DISPLAY SEED GROWTH. NOT ENOUGH MANA TO DISPLAY HERB SPROUT GROWTH. HEALING HERB HAS RETURNED TO BASELINE VALUES. RESOURCE RENEWAL PAUSED. ASSIMILATION PAUSED. AUTO-REPAIR PREVIOUSLY CANCELED. MONSTER SPAWNING PAUSED. --- UPDATES COMPLETE. YOU HAVE GAINED THE UNIQUE SKILL: DUNGEON AWARENESS! DUNGEON AWARENESS (--) [OTHERWORLDLY CAVERN] As the registered master of this dungeon, the Otherworldly Cavern, you will now have a greater awareness of its activities. Your Telepathy skill has been used to establish a link with the dungeon core; Skill Synergy has boosted Dungeon Awareness's effect. MONSTER_ROSTER, MONSTER_ASSIGNMENT, DUNGEON_MAP, DUNGEON_RESOURCES, and DUNGEON_STATS are now available in the DUNGEON MENU. Some MENU options may still be limited or inaccessible. YOU ARE DEVELOPING THE UNIQUE SKILL: MENTAL_MAP [DUNGEON - OTHERWORLDLY CAVERN]! MENTAL_MAP AT 0.1[/color] [/quote] [quote=System:Jason] You used the Source Crystal! You have Monster Analysis I, Magic Analysis I, and Material Analysis I! Skill Synergy activated! ---Skeleblin_002 [Gawain]--- Skeleblin, a Skeleton-type Undead-class Monster created from the remains of a Goblin. This Goblin likely died from natural causes a long time ago. It is fully grown, with bone fusion and tooth decay indicating age. These bones are still naturally hard enough to be used as materials. Magic energy can be detected within them. This magic animates the bones and allows them to move without muscle. The magic energy that creates undead is typically charged with negative emotions, or sometimes under the effect of seals, curses, or other spells that prevent the soul from leaving the body. It is infused with magic, but has no magical skills yet. These magics are negative and volatile in nature. It is under the effects of an environmental magic. This Skeleblin was revived, and is currently assimilated, by the [Otherworldly Cavern] Dungeon. By nature, Skeleblins are roughly as durable as living Goblins, but their strength has decreased. In contrast, their lighter weight allows them to move more quickly. They retain the ability to use tools to a limited degree. If not manipulated by a necromancer or some other source, most Undead will single-mindedly pursue living creatures with hostility. They do not normally possess self-preservation instincts or any form of intelligence. This Skeleblin only has access to the Use Light Equipment skill from its former lifetime. It is currently not developing any new skills, and others have been deactivated. You have reassigned this Skeleblin's designation as [Gawain]. ---Analysis Complete!--- Source Crystal needs to recharge. No Mana Crystals in Inventory. [/quote] The Source Crystal turned gray and dead in Jason's gooey grip. Gawain's eyes glowed slightly brighter, then without warning the Skeleblin took off at a full sprint. It was simultaneously comical, awkward, and disturbing to watch--with no tendons or muscles to hold them in place, Gawain's limbs flopped and flailed wildly in a far too-large range of motion. His bony spurs clack-clack-clacked into the distance as he raced around the pool, a distance roughly about 30 meters. It would take the Skeleblin about the same time as it would take a human walking average speed (5 miles per hour), despite the creature running full-tilt. Perhaps it was due to its lack of height or muscle, or maybe even having "increased speed" compared to a living Goblin just didn't mean that much. As Jason settled down to try and meditate, he would find at first that he couldn't seem to feel his Mana the way he had before. For one thing he was still reeling somewhat from the flood of information from the Dungeon Core. For another he had just received a great deal of information from the Source Crystal. For a third, his efforts to actively feel out his magic seemed at odds with his effort to...not make any efforts. That is, it was hard to "rest" oneself if one was still thinking about all the things they were trying to do. As time went on and he sorted himself out, he began to feel more centered and at rest...but he still couldn't feel his Mana as clearly as before. He had clearly overdone it yesterday, and despite a full night's rest and taking care of himself with food and water it wasn't going to be so easy to recover.