[center][h2]Frequently Asked Questions[/h2] [b][u]Questions and answers will be added as they come up. Feel free to ask me anything.[/u][/b][/center] [hr][hr] [quote=@ibecameinsane] [@Tonks] [s]dumb question ahead[/s] will these be shapeshifting wolves?? like human to wolves?? c:[/quote] [list] [*] First off, no question is dumb. Please ask away! Second, yes. These are shape shifting wolves, much like Twilight but slowed down. Your wolves [i]will[/i] feel each and every bone in their body breaking and reshaping themselves into their wolf frame. An entire shift will take approximately 30 seconds, at most. Some have become masters at fast transformations, but very few. The fastest transformation recorded was 15 seconds long by one of the greatest Alphas in existence.[/list]