[@Count Cuddles] This is information that'll probably be given in the thread when it's up, but just to get a head-start on things I have a couple questions. I have a lot of ideas from previous RP's like this one so I'd like to know which ones are viable. What do the hero organisations looks like in this universe? Is there a global, Justice League style group or are smaller groups focused on a single country/state/city more the norm? What is the kind of power level you are looking for? Obviously not everyone is going to be the same level of strength, some will be stronger or weaker than others, but what's the limit? Is there a Superman type running around, are world ending threats a regular occurrence or can the worst of the worst only really destroy a city at most? Lastly, where is this RP going to be set? Do you want us to focus on making characters that will be on the same team with a rogues gallery of regular villains, with the occasional character from out of town mentioned as flavour, or will this be a globe-spanning story with characters from all over having focus?