[h3]Nidgardt[/h3] [color=7bcdc8][b]"A dragon."[/b][/color] The demondragon said in a firm tone of voice, there was no doubt at all in his voice. He knew this for a fact, what his father was and the wealth he held. Not only in money but knowledge too, in his vast lifetime who knew what secrets he had uncovered. [color=7bcdc8][b]"By upper class you mean those having material wealth I assume? A few. What use is all that wealth if you cannot defend it though? Isn't knowledge how to defend yourself worth more?" [/b][/color] He asked but continued talking to reply to her other words, according to her she was not a very physical combatant. If such was to be believed it was just what she needed, some physical training. [b][color=7bcdc8]"I understand. That means we have much work to do."[/color][/b] Nidgardt nodded his head slowly and allowed a slight upturn form at the corner of his mouth. Before his attention was drawn to the side where the other individuals were located. One in particular approached and asked about the tournament, Nidgardt knew this one. How could he not? This was Aegus Reister, a wealthy third year student. Not only that, but unbearable for most people due to his high and mighty attitude, being the type to constantly look down on others. Despite that, he was also known to possess impressive powers which no doubt further tickled his ego. There was potential in having him on the team for certain. Nidgardt didn't think his view of him as inferior was a personal issue, but rather an issue that was preventing Aegus from truly shining. The demondragon pondered to himself. [color=7bcdc8][i]'He needs to feel humiliation and defeat if he is to work good in a group. How do I make him more humble without breaking his spirit. He needs to lose, but also win to not lose motivation. Aegus needs to be beaten in a one-on-one and then aided by his team, that will make him look at them with worth. Since they will spare him from utter ridicule.'[/i][/color] The demondragon nodded to himself listening to Aegus while making out a scenario in his head. [b][color=7bcdc8]"How very fortunate. We have need of a power-player."[/color][/b] Nigardt rose up standing straight to tower slightly over Aegus. [b][color=7bcdc8]"You'll be the first member of the team then."[/color][/b] Nidgardt reached out his non-monstrous hand to offer in a handshake, even though he knew Aegus would surely and most possibly reject the idea of shaking hands with someone he did not deem noble. Then there was the voice of that loud girl again. This time she screamed out something about a curse and there was objects starting to fly through the room, then there was a light and the much more quiet boy which Sasha had spoken with and seemingly targetted with some form of command was now accompanied by some girl which emitted a very strong light.The girl allowed a few words escape her lips before she was fused again with the boy, Kato. The demondragon stood still, his mouth slightly open in surprise. But also he felt his skin crawl on Sasha's use of power. There was something about it which made his very being scream, there was no doubt about it. Nidgardt thought to himself... [color=7bcdc8][i]'Holy magic...'[/i][/color] He closed his mouth and assumed a more reserved stance. [i][color=7bcdc8]'The girl possesses holy magic, and that boy is fused with another.[/color][/i] Both of them could be great additions to a team, but not only that. Sasha had a power which Nidgardt was weak to. A chance to test his might against something like that, and potentially learn how to better resist it. [b][color=7bcdc8]"Impressive. I did not expect someone with holy powers amongst the first years. How about you'll show me more of it later after you have had the nourishment you need. Unless your stomach be lying."[/color][/b] He complimented. He had seen people with holy power before, but not someone openly using it in this manner and not a first year. The demondragon looked Kato over.[b][color=7bcdc8] "I see you have a separation issue. Perhaps a combined effort can release you from it."[/color][/b] Nidgardt said aloud, as if he pondered on the idea. He was not knowledgable in what it was that was binding the girl to him, but his father had used demons, binding them to his power. Surely this wouldn't be too different. If only he could find out more. Then finally another person came into the scene, asking what had happened. Nidgardt decided to be silent and let one of the others explain, after all he was still waiting on Alicia to make her choice.