Here's a new race I made for M'arash called the Zin'Ara. [hider=Zin'Ara][center][img][/img] [color=olive][b]The Zin'Ara[/b] The Zin'Ara are a race of highly intelligent multi limbed beings who live within Vilor'Akash and act as servitors to their maker M'arash. They stand at around 9 feet tall, weigh around 210 pounds, have inky black blood, numerous eyes that give them a near 360° field of vision, a sharp tooth filled maw on the bottom side of their heads directly beneath their eyes, communicate via telepathy, they have a body temperature much lower than that of a regular human (around fifteen degrees Fahrenheit), and a hard outer shell that protects their vulnerable undersides. They survive on a pure protein diet, most of which comes from the people and animals trapped within Vesania, unlike the Bii'an who eat the microorganisms that live within Lake Ha'lel. They can use their appendages for a variety of things such as the reproduction of their race. They accomplish this through the use of crystalline vats in which a new Zin'Ara is grown from the appendage of the old. The Zin'Ara, like the Bii'an, also have extremely long lifespans that allow them to live for well over a hundred thousand years. They also write in an alien looking [url=]runic language[/url] and are rarely seen outside of Vesania.[/color][/center][/hider]