"I am sooooo tired.," The guitarist opened her eyes when she felt Ryan lay down next to her. It was a warm fuzzy feeling she got when he was around, and she embraced it. With a small yawn, the blonde sat up and watched her buddy raid the mini bar. The spectacle made her giggle as she tilted her head to one side. Of course her mind wandered...The kiss they had shared, what if they hadn't been interrupted? It was an intriguing thought. "Wine before lunch, huh? I guess at least we have a while before we get anywhere.." Harper reached out and took the bottle, taking a cautious sip. Hmmm, it was tasty enough. And it certainly wasn't cheap. The young woman crossed her legs in pixie style. There were just so many things she missed about being in a relationship. "So, you miss me?" A playful smirk crossed her features as she downed the last remenants of the wine. "I missed you. You know, tiny bit.." She teased..