Calliope gripped throwing knife as instructed and then with a negligent flick of her wrist sent it straight into the center of the target where it stuck with a quivering thudd. A cheer went up from a few of the disreputable mariners who were paying attention to the proceedings. Markus gave her a suspicious look but she merely shrugged her shoulders. “Beginners luck,” she said innocently. Even after days without sleep, half a roast chicken and most of a bottle of rich Cogaran wine, Calliope slept poorly. In her dreams she stood upon a great spike of granite that rose out of a stormy sea. Her eyes burned with pale fire as she recited a might spell in a voice like a thunderstorm. Fiery runes burned all over her body till she shone like pillar of living flame. In her dream the spell built with an almost sexual excitement. Starlight streamed down to her leaving a heaven filled with black stars. The incantation built and built until she was breathless with wonder and terror at what it might accomplish. Stange constellation wheeled above her black against the sky and the wind whipped into wierd discordant song she couldn’t quite comprehend. She knew that if she could understand the song it would all make sense she just had to… Markus shook her awake and she sat bolt upright grasping for a knife that was probably still under her pillow back in Calaverde. Sweat streamed down her face and her breathing was shallow and ragged. The pirate captain had taken a step back to give her time to collect herself. They were in the cheap room they had rented to get a little sleep before the recruiting ronde began. Realising she was naked she drew the sheets up to cover herself and cleared her throat. “You ok?” Markus asked with an arched eyebrow. Calliope tossed her dark hair and climbed out of bed walking naked across to the wash basin of cheap chipped porcelain and splashing her face with the cool water within. “I’m fine,” she declared as she picked up her trousers and wriggled into them before slipping her arms into one of the white silk shirts she had purchased with her pawned money. “You seemed to be singing in your sleep,” Markus pressed as she sipped her feet into the long leather boots and buckled her sword belt around her hips. She shrugged as though this was of little importance as she finally buttoned up the shirt. “Why did you wake me?” she asked, clearly changing the subject. Markus face split into a wolfish grin that made him seem younger and considerably more handsome. “Its time to meet our crew.” The Buggered Whale was one of several mostly vacant buildings on the dilapidated road which Markus assured her was Burgundy Street. A few shops, little more than ragpickers stalls and one dealer in what appeared to be decidedly questionable potion ingredients were still open but these were a clear minority against the shuttered and boarded fire traps that predominated the area. If this had been Calaverde Calliope would have seized the buildings and had them repaired and put to proper use but then the steep topography of her island kingdom meant that space was always at a premium. The tavern itself was a three story building of stone and dark tropical timber. A sign, artiscally representing a sailor with his trousers down having his way with a whale, hung askew from a single chain. Torches had been thrust into cracks in the paving stones and lanterns lit the inside of the derelict building. Several dozen sailors were gathered around large barrels from which flagons were being filled with dark rich ale. The crazed dwarf she had met earlier was standing on the bar brandishing a tankard and yelling something about scouring the seas to the approving roars of the crowd. On the door of the tavern was a sign with the portrait of a villainous looking man in a tricorne hat that was evidently meant to be Markus. In neatly printed letters it read: Sign on with Captain Markus. Two doubloons up front, rations, rum and fair shares. Get rich on the Sea of Swords. “And speaking of our good captain!” Sketti roared as Markus and Calliope stepped into the tavern through the timbered frame that had once held the door. “As salty a sea dog as ever I sailed with! Fearless, ruthless and lucky to boot!” Sketti shouted with a wink at Calliope that clearly suggested that the Captains luck ran in several directions.