[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [img]https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/243/353/8a9.png[/img] [i]RDR 2 likely winning GOTY is just proof that putting out [b]a tedious, blatantly unfun chore of a game[/b] is fine so long as Rockstar is on the box[/i] -Fabricant451 [/quote] Yeah weird how playing a game can, like, I dunno, color and change opinions. Odd that someone enjoying the game at the start only to find incredible flaws the more they played it can happen. It's like...it's like why people should tend to finish something before making a truly declarative review or whatever. If you want some kind of medal for saying it first then congratulations, you crossed the finish line first.