Valanx looked over the printout from the analysis of the powder. It was a strange mix of carbon-based compounds as well as some unknown materials. Maybe if he could isolate the unknown substance he would be able to analyze it more closely, but with it being indistinguishable from the carbon-based compounds at the macroscopic level, isolating it would take a long time, much longer than the half hour he had before the meeting the captain had suddenly called. Well, he could at least look up some of the files on the hard drive before the meeting. He looked up at the monitor. Navigating through a few of the files, he found that the cryo-pod had been meant to sustain an adult female human, Rendyl Manenson by name, age 26. If that was the girl they had found in the pod, she was awfully small for an adult, at least in Valanx's experience with the human species. Navigating to another file, he found the specs for the pod, including that it had been built on Earth, in a place called the United States. It also listed an unusually high level of electromagnetic protection for the pod. That was all he had time to find out before he needed to head to the docking bay lounge for the meeting. He entered the lounge and sat down on one of the couches. Their demolitions expert, pilot, and engineer were already there, but the captain and the rest of the crew hadn't arrived yet.