Rughoi stormed into his chambers and grabbed at the quill. Ardasa, his Ardasa, attacked in the streets of Hekaga. He dipped the quill in the ink and sat down before his parchment. His mind clouded over as he began to write. To the imbecilic 'Prince' Ternoc of the pitiful state of Hekaga Do not presume that I did not know of the assassination plot against my bound one. You'd best be thrice-damned sure that Ardasa, myself, or any kobold dignitary I send in the future should not even see an arrow, or we will cut ties with you immediately and impose taxes the likes of which would cripple your trade with the entire northern hemisphere. Think on your mistake. Rughoi "the Unbound", Emperor of All Kobold He stared at the document for a long while, stewing in his anger. In a flash of clarity, he grabbed the sheet and tore it in two, throwing the halves into the far corners of the room. He was above this! He had to be! He had to think . . . the way Ardasa always did. She had a way with all peoples, race be damned. He wasn't blind. He knew how the palace saw its two rulers differently. They loved her, and feared him. Rughoi dipped his quill into the ink again, and pulled out a new sheet of paper. Perhaps a second try, on his clearer head, would do wonders for diplomacy. To the honorable Prince Ternoc of Hekaga I have been told that my bound one has enjoyed your city immensely. Alright, that was good. A good start. Rughoi continued. She was especially impressed by . . . What was it she said? Something about the streets? Ah yes, dodging arrows in the streets of Hekaga. . . . the infrastructure. It serves as a testament to the building of cities, and in time, we hope to adopt a similar plan for our own. However, she as expressed concerns about the safety of your streets, and is hesitant to visit again before such issues are resolved. A minor issue, surely, for your dauntless army. Rughoi "the Unbound", Emperor of All Kobold He looked over it once, and once again, before folding it up. This is the one he's planning on sending. Perhaps Ardasa could write a better one. Perhaps he should just let her do it. But it was high time he learned to be a ruler. _____________________________________________ "Wise Arda, I'm sure you blessed my journey home," Ardasa said, quietly. The statue was where it always was, in the temple room within the palace. It was comforting, in a way, returning to religious life. "I may only hope that you are as happy to see me as I am to see you." Silence. Ardasa got up from her kneeling position. Something was out of touch. Perhaps it was herself. She can't concentrate on the prayers the way she used to. The threat of death still shook her. "Thank you for your mercy, oh blessed mother of kobolds. I will find the right words to honor you in time. I'm sure you'd understand." That was when she heard the sound of the temple's door creak open. "Hello?" she called. "Is somebody there?"