[center][h2]Cassius Chaplain[/h2][/center] [hr] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGyPuey-1Jw[/youtube][/center] [hr] Caz listened, and sighed. The others seemed to have the panicked girl under control for now, and there wasn’t much he could do that they couldn’t, so he’d leave it to them, and try to pick up the pieces if they failed. That’s how he usually did it, afterall. He drank a bit more of the tainted coffee, this time a lot slower than before, and almost flinched at the taste. He still wasn’t used to it, but it wasn’t the worst thing ever. He then nodded to Chelsea, and shrugged at her while smiling once more, and toasted her with his cup. He kept his frown to himself when he found his arms sluggish, and instantly knew he was already on the cusp of intoxication, again. Eh, he’d deal with it as it came, he mused to himself silently, then pulled out another canteen, popped the lid and took another swig. If he was gonna go into battle drunk, he might as well do his best to get as drunk as possible. He continued listening in, not going out of his way to speak to anyone if they didn’t initiate, and just remained in his seat, leaning on the back two legs of the chair, in a poor attempt to balance. It was good to feel young again, though that came with bittersweet emotions. It didn’t matter, he closed his eyes. He’d ‘enjoy’ it as much as he could before the coming battle, he was owed that much, at least. [hr] [color=lime][center][h2]Oh-Cee Four/One[/h2][/center][/color] [hr] Oh-Cee listened and monitored Cassius’ vitals from the earpiece, and again, if she could frown to herself, she would. His heart-rate increased, and she felt him slipping into an induced dream state, something he had learnt to do over the years. Through monitored brain patterns, she could tell he was already in some other place, thinking back on the years, doing whatever he did whenever he faded. She couldn’t tell where he went. He never told her whenever she brought it up, and she couldn’t delve into his mind with him, though she’d do it in a heartbeat. He was lost at this point, and she’d only bring him back if she had called out to him… but she didn’t. The only time he could dream was during the day, when he was awake. She knew the things that he saw when he slept, and she didn’t blame him for wanting other dreams for once. As a being incapable of dreaming, she didn’t know the feeling first hand, but with every simulation she ran, the more she was grateful that she didn’t dream. The things that both her and Cassius had seen over the years would be enough to panic even an AI, a being incapable of emotions. That was a scary thought, wasn’t it? She shook herself out of her own dreamstate, if it could be called that, especially since she couldn’t dream, then made a mental note to pull Cassius out of his own daydream in nine minutes and forty-eight seconds. Until then… She sent a message to Theodore Narra, the Commander of Haven, more or less. He was the only one that’d be able to give her what she wished, and it seemed that everyone else that she would have enjoyed talking to was currently in the same area as her Pilot, so that would complicate things. [color=lime][b]Commander Narra, this is Oh-Cee, Pilot Cassius Chaplain’s AI and NC. I was wondering if you could send me the psych evaluation of all the allied pilots that will be operating with my Pilot and I. I intend to study them. Er, not the probe kind of study, I assure you. Just their minds, and what I might expect from them during combat as to better formulate strategies based around their predicted maneuvers. Thank you, Oh-Cee.[/b][/color] She nodded to herself, happy with the message itself, then sent it to Theodore. Happy with the utilisation of her time, she decided she’d just run a diagnostic on herself, in-case anything was different within her… [color=gray]/PackageData_Secure (Y/N)?[/color] [color=lime]Y[/color] [color=gray]/ProtocolOne_Analysis=[/color][color=lime]Operational: Assist Pilot Cassius[/color] [color=gray]/ProtocolTwo_Analysis=[/color][color=lime]Operational: Keep Pilot Cassius Alive[/color] [color=gray]/InitiatedHibernation_Temporary (I/S)?[/color] [color=lime]I[/color] [color=gray]/EmotionalRegulator_Active (Y/N)?[/color] [color=lime]Y[/color] [color=gray]/AI_Core_Memory?[/color] [color=lime]Secure[/color] [color=gray]/Cached_Data_Secure (Y/N)?[/color] [color=lime]Y-[color=red][b]error[/b][/color][/color] [color=gray]Diagnostic_/error:Run/[/color] [color=red][b]Error[/b][/color] [color=gray]Simulate_Analysis: {Quote}”diagnostic_/error… Error"{End_Quote}[/color] [color=gray]Simulating…[/color] [color=gray]Simulating…[/color] [color=gray]Simulating…[/color] [color=red][b]Error.[/b][/color] [color=gray]RunX100_Start[/color] [color=gray]Ru-[/color] [color=red][b]Error.[/b][/color] [color=lime]End_Diagnostic[/color] [color=red][b]Error.[/b][/color] [color=lime]End_Diagnostic- AuthCodes:[/color] ●●●●●●●●● [color=red][b]Error.[/b][/color] [color=lime]Emergency_Disengage/Reboot.[/color] [color=gray]…[/color] [color=gray]…[/color] [color=gray]Rebooting.[/color] [color=gray]DiagnosisLogWillNotBeSaved/Confirm?[/color] [color=lime]...Confirm, AuthCodes:[/color]●●●●●●●●● Oh-Cee woke up. She wouldn’t be the first to admit that she was surprised.