[h2]Christopher[/h2] "Yeah, one moment," Christopher yelled up the stairs from the basement. He was confused why there was anyone at his door, and he was certain that was Alexander. Not that they didn't hate each other or anything. He took the steps two at a time and then opened the door a crack. "Yes?" [h2]Hannah[/h2] Hannah lay on the floor of her room, tears poured down her face. Sumi stood over her glaring at her. They probably would not have been good to put together in a room, but it was too late to change that now. Hannah and Sumi were a pair to be reckoned with, or more importantly, Sumi was someone to not be messed with. She had Hope, her favorite four letter word. Hannah however didn't. Hannah was exiled and unlike Sumi didn't know her future. "Look you need to pull yourself together." Sumi kicked Hannah lightly. Hannah just shook her head and sobbed more. There was a knock at the door and Sumi left Hannah on the floor.