[h2]Katalina[/h2] Katalina looked at Sumi and then paused a bit and sighed as she heard sobbing in the background. "Hey Sumi... Eleanor wants us all in the dining hall if a power outage, since there is a storm. I'm collecting up the blankets and the like. If you can pass on the message about gathering in the dining hall just in case, I'd appreciate it. As... for Hannah, tell her I apologize... but we all hope still. And things are..." She sighed a bit. "I'm sorry. I best put these in the hall before we... just in case." She turned to head back to the dining hall, with all the blankets still in her arms. [hr] [h2]Astrid[/h2] Astrid was waiting in the classroom when Kade walked in. He had a cup of cocoa in one hand, and extra blanket and two candles. "For your room. Eleanor wants everyone to have two and I think that while Alexander and Christopher are getting some, here." He then sat down and looked at Astrid. "Look, Astrid... I'm not going to make promises. Those never help. But doors... usually don't reopen, but sometimes they do. You may find yours in time, but you can not chase after every thunder storm, okay? I promise you, that's not your door." Kade's southern twang reassured Astrid, as did the cocoa. There was almost a hint of honey in it, like the sweet mead from Valhalla. It made her long for home, and she started tearing up again. "I just... Lord Thor always arrived in a smash of thunder... and well... I had hoped... Lord Odin and Lady Freya told me I would know." Astrid sniffled at that and sipped her cocoa more and more. "This is good. I'll just... stay away from storms."