It was either in her words that called upon his memory or her distant familiar scent reaching his lupine nose that caused a stir deep with inside of him. [b]”I am sorry m’am, you must be mistaken.”[/b] The deep flat words come out almost autonomously as he politely shakes his head. But inside... She could sense it, she could see it, the beast didn’t want to lie dormant anymore. It was awake and it was fighting furiously. The hairs down Clay’s muscular arms shuffled and stirred. Cracks appeared through the iris’s of his dull and blank empty eyes. A vibrant angry orange. Furious and enraged. Thin barely visible slithers gave hint to the awoken caged beast. Silently, frightened and scared, it howled for freedom. [i]Help me![/i] It would say if it could communicate from within its endless prison.