[center][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/O6MhssR.png[/img] [sub][b]Direct Mentions:[/b] [@DracoLunaris] [b][color=fff200]Bowser[/color][/b], [@Archmage MC] [color=0076a3][b]Blazermate[/b][/color], [@Gentlemanvaultboy] [b][color=a2d39c]Linkle[/color][/b][/sub] [hr][/center] Geno sighed at Bowser's "false" response as he claimed it to be his own original idea. Even after all these years, the Koopa King still hadn't changed a bit. He was very much like the one he knew - except the fact that he's currently wearing a fancy white suit and all. He probably had another escapade in kidnapping Princess Peach again, while trying to look slick and professional in order to kidnap her. Granted the fact that she's not here means that he had most certainly failed. Could he have been fighting Mario and... what was the brother's name. Was it Linguine? Or~? No, it was Luigi. Right? Right. Could Bowser have been fighting the Mario Bros before the divine unintentionally granted his attempt as utterly futile? It was highly probable according to what he knew and heard already. And Geno almost forgot to mention how he somehow seems to actually care for the pink puffball. And that is rare to see, other then both the Princess and his Keep. Perhaps there is more heart in him then he realized. And with it, the Koopa King gave a speech towards the other members regarding their current position, how they all got here in the first place, and the plan of action to engage the seraphim in the far distance. Geno had to admit that it came out disastrously crude and unprofessional coming from a King, but for such desperate times come desperate measures. The star warrior was just going to have to go with it. After all, it really wasn't that bad of a speech. Regarding the introductions of the other characters, the next person he set eyes on was already heading towards the castle on his lonesome. He was a rather somber-looking fellow, yet wore and harnessed gear that made him something more. He looked as if he was a hunter of some sort, although he wasn't too sure. Only thing he knows is that he's definitely a loner. Geno would then glance back to see the initials "Zer0" - "Zero" ending with a 0 instead of an O apparently - carved by one of the robotic-looking characters. It appears the one speaking in haikus was named "Zer0". The doll found it weird to end his name with a number instead of a letter, but nevertheless he knew what it implied. Even if it was an unnecessary one. There was then the armored Centurion Agoston - a seemingly arrogant warrior who served his emperor proudly. Geno wasn't necessarily too interested in him, although he did wonder what master he served. Then the robotic female healer introduced herself as Blazermate and considered the "Medabot" to know the most of what was going on at the moment. The wooden doll tilted his head in confusion towards the title. [color=6ecff6][b]"Medabot?"[/b][/color] Geno asked confusingly, [color=6ecff6][b]"I don't think I quite follow you. What's a medabot?"[/b][/color] He assumes that's another way of saying "robots" but it sounded oddly too specific to be considered an alternate saying of said term. Although he did quickly note the term "Med" and what she did to Kirby to be enough in considering her as a healing unit of some sort. She would definitely suffice as a reliable healing unit for the battles ahead. But just as Geno was about to fly towards the castle, he overhead a conversation behind him. Another character - Din - had risen from the ground later than usual and was immediately gravitated to the female Link. Even she believed that she was the legendary hylian warrior that she once knew. And she couldn't blame her either. Again, everything about her looked like that very hero. And it didn't seem like mere coincidence. And even if it was, she was too uncanny to pass it off. And he knows this because he had seen Link before - at least his universe's version of him anyways - sleeping in a bed in Rose Town inn all those decades ago with Mario and friends. [url=https://youtu.be/-SSCVNKW11M?t=32s]He still doesn't know why he came so far out there that day.[/url] However, the questions that are still orbiting him are going to have to wait. He's already wasting more time than he wants. Without further ado, Geno activated his thruster boots as he made his way towards the castle at a speed significantly faster than the others. The least he can do is scout out the castle perimeter and see if it's empty or occupied. He hopes that the inhabitants inside are friendly... Or there's gonna be a smashing fight on their hands. [hider=Word Count] 755 [/hider]